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Vacancy for Reseach Investigator at Bristol-Myers Squibb

Clinical research courses

Bristol-Myers Squibb Biocon R&D Center (BBRC) is a collaboration between Bristol-Myers Squibb and Syngene International, a subsidiary of the Indian biotechnology major, Biocon. This initiative is intended to help advance Bristol-Myers Squibb's work in discovery and early drug development. The center is expanding its capabilities to clinical biomarkers, toxicology and first-in-human studies. The aim is to develop internationally benchmarked research infrastructure and enlist outstanding scientific talent to help patients prevail against serious diseases. So come, research India with us.

Post : Reseach Investigator I

Job Description:
Ability to carry out and interpret preformulation studies on potential new drug candidates, with the purpose to define their physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties relevant to drug delivery. Balance internal and flexible resourcing alternatives globally to drive projects toward a transition to clinical. Provide experimental/computational/predictive input to Drug Discovery scientists during screening of new chemical entities, and enable drug design from lead optimization to the point of candidate identification, characterization and selection.  Strategically design and guide the development of formulations suitable for use in drug discovery pharmacology studies, PK studies and initial toxicology studies. Work in conjunction with Discovery Teams to enable drug discovery through application of innovative drug delivery technologies, internally and externally, enabling more effective drug targeting. Participate in and drive strategic direction of the Discovery Pharmaceutics group to further its ability to act as a problem solving entity for discovery teams and provide seamless transfer of candidates to development. Advance the abilities of the larger preclinical optimization organization to develop expertise in scientific areas which can enable our understanding the role of physicochemical properties in overall biopharmaceutical performance.


Candidate Profile
PhD with 0-4 years or a B.S / M.S with more than 10 years of experience in industry in Pharmaceutical / Medicinal / Physical / Analytical Chemistry, or academic equivalent, is required. Knowledge of basic medicinal chemistry and biopharmaceutical principles as they apply to drug discovery and drug delivery is required. Understanding of physicochemical properties of new drug entities and how they relate to the drugs’ in vivo delivery and disposition is required. Strong understanding of preformulation aspects for new chemical entities is necessary along with ability to guide the generation and interpretation of preformulation laboratory data as it relates to the overall discovery process. An understanding of drug delivery technology and its assessment relative to the delivery and targeting of small organic molecules and / or larger macromolecules is desired. Good written and verbal communication skills are a must. Excellent interpersonal skills demonstrating effectiveness as a team player on multidisciplinary teams resourced in a flexible and global environment is required. The ability to think innovatively and reduce such thinking to practical implementation enabling the discovery and design of new molecular entities is desired. Knowledge on use of computers and databases for data collection, compilation, analysis, and information dissemination is a must.

Additional Information:
0-4 years
Location: NJ - US
Education: Ph.D/B.S / M.S
Industry Type: Pharma/ Biotech/Clinical Research
Functional Area:
End Date: 25th December, 2017

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