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Recruitment for Pharmacist in India Reserve Battalion | Government Jobs

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Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Sub- Inspector (Executive) in Andaman & Nicobar Police (A&NP) and Sub-Inspector (GD), Constable (GD), Pharmacist, & Nursing Assistant in India Reserve Battalion (IRBn), Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Post : Pharmacist

No. of Vacancies : 02

PB – 2 Rs. 9300 – 34800 + GP Rs. 4200 (Prerevised) [Revised as per 7th CPC, Level in the PAY MATRIX - Level 6 (Rs. 35400 -112400)]

i) Degree in Pharmacy (or) Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University/Institution

ii) Registration with Pharmacy Council under Section – 12 of Pharmacy Act, 1948.

Desirable: One year experience in dispensing of Medicine in case of Degree holder and 02 years experience in the case of Diploma holder.


AGE LIMIT (AS ON 31/12/2017)
Not exceeding 30 yrs. of age.

Relaxable by 3 years in the case of OBC candidates.

Relaxation upto 5 years for Govt. Servant in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Government of India from time to time.

Note:- The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of names from Employment Exchange/applications from the candidates.

Duration : 2 Hours
General Pharmacy (Objective type) : 80 Marks
General English & General Awareness (Objective type) : 20 Marks

Note:- There will be 100 questions of 1 mark each in the question paper. Each correct answer will carry 1 mark, each wrong answer will invite the penalty of negative marking by (-)0.25 mark, and no marking or negative marking will be assessed for un-answered questions.

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Syllabus for Written Test:- Questions in this paper will include General Pharmacy, General English and General Awareness. Question on General Pharmacy will be based on the syllabus of Diploma Pharmacy irrespective of the variation of syllabus of various Medical Universities and Medical Councils. General English and General Awareness will include questions to test the candidate’s command over English language and his/her touch with the society & surrounding environment. The minimum qualifying in the written test will 40%.

The successful candidates shall be subjected to medical examination as given below:-

(i) The minimum distant vision should not be less than 6/9 of each eye without correction i.e. without wearing of glasses. With correction i.e., after wearing glasses, the minimum distant vision should not be less than 6/6 of each eye. The candidate should not have Colour Blindness.

(ii) The candidate must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint eyes, bow legs, inability to flex the fingers properly or any other obvious deformities.

(iii) Candidate must be in good mental and physical health and free from any physical defects likely to interfere with the efficient performance of Police duties.

(iv) Every candidate shall have to go through a medical examination by GB Pant Hospital, Port Blair before appointment.

“Appointment to the post shall be subject to successful verification of original documents related to educational qualification, age proof, category certificates (in case of OBC) and successful completion of medical examination and Police verification.”

(i) Candidates may submit their applications online at A&N Police website “” or approaching nearest CSC (Common Service Centre) in A & N Islands. An acknowledgement receipt in the form of application form will be generated after filling up the online application form. The hardcopy (coloured printout) of acknowledgment of application form along with the self attested copies of certificates of age proof (10th Pass Certificate), Category certificate (in case of OBC), 12th/Degree/Diploma Pass Certificates, Experience Certificate, Registration Certificate etc. as per the requirements of the posts should be sent to The Deputy Superintendent of Police (Estt.), Police Head Quarter, Atlanta Point, Port Blair, A & N Islands – 744104. The candidature of those candidates will not considered who may fill online application form in time, but failed to send the hardcopies of application form along with other enclosures on time.

(ii) The submission of any fake/forged document shall entail the registration of a criminal case against the candidate in accordance with law besides cancellation of candidature.

(iii) Candidates applying for the post as Govt. Servant/Departmental should send their hard copy of application form and other enclosures along with ‘No Objection Certificate & Service Certificate’ (from their employer) through proper channel from the concerned Competent Authority/Department.

(i) After scrutiny and acceptance of the application forms, each applicant will be issued an Admit card, which will be required at every stage of the recruitment process. The information regarding issue of Admit cards shall be published on and local daily News papers in due course.

(ii) Benefit of OBC would be given only to those candidates who belong to the OBC category as notified by the Andaman and Nicobar Administration.

(iii) The candidates, who filled category as OBC, but failed to enclose OBC certificate will be treated as “General Candidates” and the category of such candidates shall not be subsequently changed under any circumstances.

(iv) While filling the online application form candidates should mention all relevant enclosures.

(v) While filling online application, if candidate applied for more than one posts then necessary documents in accordance with the post required, shall be submitted along with the hardcopy of online application. Further, CANDIDATES SHALL SELECT THE POSTS IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE. Once the order and preference of the posts is selected by the candidate, it will be changed later under any circumstance.

(vi) If the candidate has not mentioned the post in online application form and still sent hard copies of more than requisite educational qualifications for the posts for which he/she is applying, he/she will only be considered for the posts for which he/she has applied and will be issued Admit Card accordingly only for the posts applied for and not for other non-mentioned posts.

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(vii) All enclosures shown to be enclosed with online application should be sent to The Dy. Superintendent of Police (Estt.) with hardcopy (coloured Printout) of Acknowledgement Copy of online application duly signed (signature should be matched with the signature uploaded) and also put the Left thumb impression on the designated space. Those candidates who failed to send the hard copies of application form and enclosures within the prescribed time limit, their candidature shall be cancelled and no further representation in this regard shall be entertained. They shall not be issued online admission card to appear in Physical Measurement/Endurance Test.

(viii) The information furnished by the candidates in the online application form including enclosures shall be considered final and no claim regarding possession of Category certificate (OBC) or any other educational qualification for particular post or any other information shall be entertained later on.

(ix) Candidates sending hard copies of the application form with other enclosures shall authenticate every page of the hardcopy by putting his/her signature anywhere at the bottom (blank space) or designated space. Signature should be matched with the signature uploaded while filling online application form. The application form received without signature or thumb impression or signature mismatched with the signature uploaded, the candidature of such candidates will not be accepted.

(x) The admit cards will be issued after thorough scrutiny of online applications and hard copies of application forms and enclosures received thereafter. Post wise list of eligible and non-eligible candidates will be published on the website and on the notice board of Police Headquarters, Port Blair.

(xi) Incomplete applications in any form are liable to be rejected. No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard and no Admit Card will be issued to such candidates.

(xii) Candidates seeking age relaxation as Govt. Servant or Departmental Staff are directed to send their applications form along with all enclosures and No Objection Certificate & Service Certificate through proper channel from the Competent Authority/Department concerned otherwise the candidature of such candidates will be rejected by considering as an overage candidate.

(xiii) Candidates shall prepare for the Physical Endurance Test and participate at their own risk. The A & N Police will not be liable for any damages in the event of any injury or any casualty suffered by a candidate during the Physical Endurance Test.

(xiv) Candidates failing at any stage during the process of recruitment will be eliminated at that stage itself.

(xv) The candidates who are not satisfied with the decision of the Recruitment Board concerning their Physical Measurements only may prefer appeal in writing in the prescribed format to the Appellate Authority on the same day.

(xvi) No TA or DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the selection process. The candidates will have to appear for the tests at their own cost.

(xvii) Any subsequent information or update or corrigendum in respect of this recruitment drive shall be published in local daily newspapers and on website of Andaman & Nicobar Police, as and when required.

(xviii) Candidates who doesn’t have the eligibility criteria will not be allowed to take physical test etc., even if admit card is issued inadvertently because of clerical mistake or oversight.

(xix) Filling online application shall be considered complete only after receipt of hard copies of application form and all enclosures and subsequent generation of Admit card.

(xx) For status of your application and admit card please keep on checking at website

(xxi) After scrutiny, admit card will be uploaded online and the candidates can download their Admit Card by entering their registration number and date of birth as login details from A&N Police website. Take a Printout of Admit Card and keep it throughout the recruitment process. It should be produced whenever demanded. NO HARD COPY OF THE ADMIT CARD WILL BE SENT BY POST TO THE APPLICANT ON HIS/HER ADDRESS.

(xxii) PROOF OF IDENTITY TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE TIME OF EXAMINATION: The candidates must bring one photo identity proof such as Passport/Aadhaar/PAN Card/Driving Licence/Voter's Card/Bank Passbook with duly attested Photograph/Identity Card issued by School or College/Gazetted Officer in the official letterhead in original as well as a self-attested Photocopy thereof. The photocopy of Identity proof should be submitted along with Admit Card to the Chairman/Member of selection board at the time of Physical Measurement/Endurance Test and to the Invigilator in the examination hall at the time of Written Test, failing which or if identity of candidates is in doubt the candidate will not be permitted to appear for the test.

(xxiii) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection / inability / failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam.

(xxiv) A&N Police does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of A&N Police.

(xxv) Not more than one application should be submitted by a candidate. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the Recruitment Notice thoroughly and verify that all the information is correct. However, if candidate applied multiple times and subsequently multiple attendance/ appearance by a candidate in examination will be summarily rejected/ candidature cancelled. Further, candidates are advised to submit a self-attested copy of Aadhaar Card or Enrolment Receipt of Aadhaar Card alongwith the Acknowledgement copy of online application.

(xxvi) Candidates serving in Govt./Quasi Govt. offices, any other Public Sector undertakings are advised to submit 'No Objection Certificate & Service Certificate' from their employer at the time of joining A&N Police, failing which their candidature may not be considered.


(xxviii) Candidates are advised to keep their e-mail ID/contact number alive for receiving any other information related to their candidature or recruitment process etc.

(xxix) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to successful completion of his/her original documents verification by the Selection/Verification Board, being declared medically fit as per the Medical Standard requirement mentioned above and clearance of Police Verification Report. The newly appointed candidates for the post of Sub-Inspector (Executive), Sub-Inspector (GD), & Constable (GD) would be kept in probation period of 3(Three) years and for the post of Pharmacist & Nursing Assistant would be kept in probation period of 2(two) years.


(xxxi) Admission to examination will be purely provisional without verification of age / qualification / category (OBC) etc. of the candidates with references to documents.

(xxxii) If required the thumb impression of the candidates in digital format may also be captured at any stage for biometric verification of the genuineness of the candidates and in case any candidate is found to be not genuine, apart from taking legal action against him/her, his/her candidature will be cancelled. As such they are advised not to apply any external matter like Mehandi, Ink etc. on their hands.

(xxxiii) In case of any query, candidates are advised to contact Recruitment Cell, Police Headquarters, Port Blair.

(i) The Physical Measurement/Endurance Test will be held at the following centres in A&N Islands:-

(ii) Candidates shall choose the Centre for Physical Measurement/Endurance Test while submitting online application. Once Centre selected for Physical Measurement/Endurance Test, under no circumstance it will be changed later.

(iii) The candidates qualified in Physical Measurement/Endurance Test at all the above centres; have to appear for WRITTEN TEST AT PORT BLAIR ONLY.

(iv) The date and time of Physical Measurement/Endurance Test and Written Test shall be communicated in due course through local newspapers, AIR and our website (

(i) Original documents i.e. Educational qualification, age proof, category certificates(in case of OBC) etc., will be verified only for provisionally selected candidates in merit and candidates who are kept in panel, by the Selection/Verification Board. The candidates, therefore, should not bring these original documents/certificates at the time of “Physical Measurement (PM)/Physical Endurance Test (PET)” or Written Test. The candidate himself/herself responsible for the safe custody of his/her original documents. They have to produce original documents under proper accountability and take back the same after completion of verification. A&N Police is not responsible for any loss or damage to original certificates of candidates during verification process.

(ii) It is mandatory to all the short listed candidates to verify their original certificates and submit another self-attested copy of all those mandatory certificates in person to the selection board/verification board at the prescribed venue on the scheduled date and time. Candidates failing to attend for verification of documents shall be struck-off/disqualified from the relevant panel for all purpose in future and no further request correspondence shall be entertained.

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(i) Candidates can apply online through A & N Police website Candidates are advised to use latest version of browser (Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox etc.) or otherwise javascript enabled browsers may kindly be used for filling online application.

(ii) Before filling online application, candidates are advised to read thoroughly and understand the Recruitment Notice and Online Filling Instructions by clicking on “VIEW” and “INSTRUCTIONS” links.

(iii) Candidate shall start filling up the online application by clicking on “APPLY ONLINE” link.

(iv) The Candidate has to go through following steps for completing his/her online submission.
a. Personal Details
b. Selection of Post (in order of preference in case applied for more than one post)
c. Qualification Details
d. Experience Details
e. Upload scanned photograph and signature
f. Final Confirmation and Submission
g. Send hardcopy of online generated application form with all enclosures (self-attested).

(v) Online application has to be completed in only one session.

(vi) The candidate should enter all required information correctly in all fields of the online application.

(vii) Personal Details once saved cannot be modified later again.

(viii) Kindly keep your scanned copy of photograph (File Size between 20 kb to 50 kb in the format .jpg/.jpeg) and signature (File Size between 10 kb to 20 kb in the format .jpg/.jpeg) before applying. Page 10 of 11 – SI(Exe) in A&NP, & SI (GD)/ Ct (GD)/Pharmacist/Nursing Assistant in IRBn, ANI - Recruitment Notice

(ix) After filling the fields, the candidate can save the information and continue to next form by using the “CONTINUE” button. The candidate can edit data in qualification, experience, photograph, signature, post for which he/she is applying and its preference till the final confirmation & submission, by clicking on “EDIT APPLICATION” button.

(x) At the bottom of the page there is a ‘Declaration’ for candidates in the final confirmation form. Candidates are advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully. Candidate has the option to either agree or disagree with the contents of Declaration by clicking on ‘I agree and accept the declaration’ or ‘I do not agree with the declaration’ option buttons. In case the candidate opts to disagree, the application will be dropped and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to agree only will submit the Online Application.

(xi) Click on “CONFIRM & SUBMIT” for final submission of the application form.

(xii) An online generated application form will be appearing on confirmation with title “Acknowledgment Copy of Online Application”. Take a clear coloured printout of the online application after confirmation. A Registration Number will be generated in the printed application form and a SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number. Be cautious before taking printout that the acknowledgement copy of Application Form should be complete in all respect as shown in Sample Application Form. Hardcopies of application form missing any information are liable to be rejected.

(xiii) The last date for online submission of application is on 31/12/2017 till 2359 Hrs (midnight). Online Application process must be completed well in advance before last date according to advertisement, after which the weblink will be disabled or the system will not allow you to submit online application.

Online application forms should be submitted by the candidates with effect from 01/12/2017 at 0900 hrs onwards and latest by 2359 Hrs on 31/12/2017.The hard copies of application forms and other relevant documents/enclosures send either in person or by post/courier or otherwise, so it should reach to The Deputy Superintendent of Police (Estt.), Police Head Quarter, Atlanta Point, Port Blair, A & N Islands - 744104 latest by 1700 hrs on 08/01/2018.

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