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Vacancies as Pharmacist in District Health & Family Welfare Society, kailashahar

Clinical research courses

District Health & Family Welfare Society, kailashahar are going to filled up different vacant post on contractual basis at a fixed pay for 11(eleven) months which may be extended based on the performance till project period for the following post.

Post: Pharmacist (Allopath)

No.of post: 01 (SC-1)

Eligibility Criteria:
* H.S (+2) stage with Science passed from recognized Institution.
* Diploma in Pharmacy from recognized Institution.

Remuneration: 9500

Interested candidates are hereby requested to submit their Bio- data as per the prescribed format along with self attested copies of the necessary relevant documents in hard copies from 29th December, 2015 to 7th January 2016 (excluding Govt, holiday) during office hour, in the Q/o CMO. Kailashahar, Unakoti Tripura. No application will be received after 5.00 PM of 7th January, 2016. Authority is not liable for any postal delay.

Those candidate has submitted application earlier against Recruitment Notice No. No.F.1(1)-Staff Allocation/CMO/U/2015 dated 08-10-2015 need not required to resubmit the application.

Name of short listed eligible candidates will be published in the District website ( and also in the website of NHM Tripura ( on due time for appearing in the written Preliminary Competency Assessment Test.

The date, time, venue, total marks & other details of the written Preliminary Competency Assessment Test will be published in NHM website ( in due course of time.

Successful candidate of Preliminary Competency Assessment Test will be called for interview. The date, time, venue & other details of the interview will be published m the District website ( and also in the website of NHM npura ( in due course of time.

Final selection will be done by the Interview Board for the post applied for, based on Merit List and maintaining 100 point roster, which will be also published in NHM website on due time.

The number of post(s) may increase / decrease or whole process may be cancelled at any time before or after interview.

No TA/DA will be given for appearing in the Competency Assessment Test or interview.

Kailashahar, Unakoti, Tripura

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