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Applications are invited for the post of SRF, JRF and Lab attendant in IIT(BHU)

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the post of one SRF and one JRF and one Lab attendant in DST Sponsored Project entitled “Development and evaluation of nanocarrier for enhanced antimicrobial activity of anacardic acid against human and plant pathogens” sanctioned up to three years. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.

Post: Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow, Lab attendant

- SRF @ Rs. 18,000/-PM fixed + 20% HRA for three years (Candidate should be NET/GATE/GPAT with leading to PhD) otherwise salary will be fixed @ Rs. 12,000/- PM + 20% HRA for first two years and @ Rs. 14,000/-PM fixed + 20% HRA for third years. Upper Age limit is 32 years.

- JRF@ Rs. 16,000/-PM fixed + 20% HRA for first two years and Rs. 18,000/- PM fixed + 20% HRA for third year (Candidate should be NET/GATE/GPAT with leading to PhD) otherwise salary will be fixed @ Rs. 12,000/- PM + 20% HRA for first two years and @ Rs. 14,000/-PM fixed + 20% HRA for third years. Upper Age limit is 28 years.

- Lab attendant @ Rs. 8,000/- PM fixed for three years.

The upper age limit can be relaxed for 5 years for SC/ST/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates. All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules.

Essential qualifications:
SRF: 1. M Pharm with minimum 55% marks. 2. NET/GATE/GPAT. 3. At least two years research experience.
JRF: 1. M Pharm/MSc (Agriculture Science) with minimum 55% marks. 2. NET/GATE/GPAT.
Lab attendant: High School in science subject with 3 years experience or Intermediate with science subject.

Application on Plain paper giving Name, permanent and correspondence address, names of father and mother, telephone no. and e-mail address, details of educational career (starting from High School or equivalent) along with self-attested copies of all mark-sheets & certificates and details of any research or other experiences etc., if any, should reach within 21 days of the advertisement to Prof. Sanjay Singh (P.I.), Department of Pharmaceutics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi - 221005. No TA/DA will be paid if called for interview.


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