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Opening for Pharmacist Trainee (6 posts) at SAIL - Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy

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SAIL, a Maharatna Company, and a leading steel-making company in India with a turnover of Rs. 49350 crore (FY 2012-13) is in the process of modernizing and expanding its production units, raw material resources and other facilities to maintain its dominant position in the Indian steel market.

Post: Pharmacist Trainee

Kiriburu Iron Ore Mine- 1 [UR]

Barsua Iron Mine- 1 [UR]

Bhawanathpur Limestone Mines- 1 [UR]

Gua Ore Mines- 2 [UR-1, ST-1*]

Kuteshwar Limestone Mines- 1 [ST]*

A candidate can apply for the paramedical posts for any one mine only.
SC/ST/OBC candidates can apply against unreserved posts provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria for unreserved category.

Upper Age Limit : 28 years as on 01.12.2013 (Minimum age - 18 years)

Essential Qualification & Experience(as on 01.12.2013): Degree in Pharmacy or 10+2 with Diploma in Pharmacy of minimum 2 years duration and registered with Indian/ State Pharmacy Council

Essential Post qualification experience (as on 01.12.2013): Minimum 1 year post qualification experience in a hospital / nursing home

Relaxation in upper age limit: Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates with respect to posts reserved for them. Ex-servicemen candidates will be granted age relaxation as per Govt. directives.
Note: OBC candidates belonging to ‘Creamy layer’ are not entitled for OBC reservation and relaxation and such candidates have to indicate their category as General. OBC (Non creamy layer) candidates are required to submit the requisite OBC certificate in the prescribed format issued in the current financial year (on or after 01/04/2013) by the competent authority and a self declaration in the prescribed formats as available on company’s website at the time of interview.

MODE OF SELECTION: Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written examination. Candidates short listed on the basis of their performance in the Written Test will be required to appear in the Interview. Date, Time & Place of the Written Test and Interview will be intimated to eligible / shortlisted candidates through e-mail / SAIL website

The list of cities (tentative) where written test shall be conducted is mentioned below:
1. Rourkela
2. Bhubaneswar
3. Ranchi
4. Jamshedpur

Candidates to indicate their choice of cities from among those mentioned above for written test as per their preference. However, SAIL reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response in that area/centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidate. No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained. Laptops, Mobiles, Wrist watches, Calculators, Scales and other electronic gadgets will not be allowed within the premises of examination centres.

Candidates selected for the above paramedical posts as Trainee will be paid consolidated pay of Rs. 10700/- per month during 1st year of training and Rs. 12200/- per month during 2nd year of training. In addition, they shall be entitled for medical facility for self, spouse and dependent children and Company accommodation as per availability.

On successful completion of two year’s training, they shall be considered for regular employment in S-3 grade in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 9160-3%-13150/-. On their regularization in S-3 grade, the emoluments will include Basic Pay and Industrial DA, reimbursement of local travelling expenses and other facilities such as medical facility for self and dependant family members, company accommodation as per availability, Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, LTC etc. as admissible under rules of the Company.

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Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply online only through SAIL’s website at the link “Careers with SAIL”. No other mode of application shall be accepted. To apply, candidates may click at the link of the post & submit information online in the appropriate fields.
Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms. Their registration will be provisional as their eligibility will be verified only at the time of interview. Mere issue of admit card / interview call letter will not imply acceptance of candidature. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or even on joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria at any stage or if the candidate fails to produce valid documentary proof in support of his eligibility.

Candidates are advised to read carefully instructions for online submission of application. The same will be available in the website. Before registering their application on the website, candidates should ensure the following:
(a) Possess a Valid e-mail ID and Mobile No., which should remain valid for at least one year.
(b) Pay in Slip (SBI Challan) of Rs. 250/- for the above paramedical posts as Application and Processing fee for General/OBC candidates. SC/ST candidates to possess Pay in Slip of Rs. 50/- only as Processing fee. The Pay in Slip is to be downloaded from the website after filling in the required details.
(c) Candidates should have latest passport size coloured photograph as well as photograph of own signature in digital format (.jpg or jpeg file only, each less than 500 kb size) for uploading with the application.
(d) While submitting the application online, candidates should note that Category (General/SC/ST/OBC) once submitted in the application cannot be changed and no benefit of other category will be subsequently admissible.
(e) While applying the candidates should enter their full name as it appears in the matriculation/secondary certificate. In case of change of name at a later stage, necessary documentary proof to be submitted at the time of interview.
(f) After applying online, the candidate is required to download the system generated Registration Slip with unique registration number and other essential details and retain a copy of the same.
(g) Candidates are not required to send any document to Raw Materials Division at this stage. The candidates will be allowed to appear in the Written Test only if they possess the valid Photo Admit Card which will be available for downloading from the SAIL website. However, candidates shortlisted for interview would be required to furnish documents regarding proof of date of birth, qualification, experience, category etc. at the time of interview.
(h) While filling the online application, candidates must carefully follow all the steps. Incomplete application/ application without fee / application not fulfilling any eligibility criteria will be rejected summarily. No communication will be entertained from the applicants in this regard.

i) Candidates not fulfilling the required criteria need not apply.
ii) Candidate must be an Indian national possessing requisite qualification from an Institute recognized by State Govt. /Central Govt.
iii) Candidates claiming benefit of reservation should submit Caste Certificates in the format for appointment to posts under Government of India/ Central Government/ Public Sector Undertaking (format available on our website issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
iv) If the SC/ST certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Hindi, the candidates will be required to submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.
v) Ex-servicemen are required to produce civil equivalence certificate of his / her qualification from the competent authority at the time of interview.
vi) Ex-servicemen are also required to produce their discharge certificate in original at the time of interview.
vii) Candidates sponsored by Local employment exchange will have to apply in the prescribed format in the prescribed system along with requisite application/processing fees failing which they will not be considered.
viii) Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is found not to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. Raw Materials Division reserves the right to reject the applications and no communication in this regard will be made with the applicant.
ix) Raw Materials Division reserves the right to fill or not to fill all or any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. Raw Materials Division is not liable to compensate the applicant for the consequential damages, if any, arising out of the aforesaid.
x) The medical standards indicated above are minimum pre-requisites. However, appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the Company’s Medical Fitness examination as per standards laid down under SAIL’s Medical & Health Policy.
xi) Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process will disqualify the candidate.
xii) The advertisement is available on SAIL website: Any subsequent changes if made in the employment notice shall be communicated through the website. Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated of the changes if any.
xiii) Candidates employed in Govt. Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies will have to produce NOC from the present employer at the time of Interview.
xiv) No request for change of examination centre will be entertained after final submission of application form. However, Raw Materials Division reserves the right to cancel or add any center depending on the response in that area/centre.
xv) No Traveling Expenses would be payable to candidates called for Written Test. Outstation candidates belonging to SC/ST categories, attending the interview, will be reimbursed 2nd Class; single to and fro Railway fare/Bus fare from the declared place of correspondence to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of original ticket(s), provided the distance covered by rail or road is more than 30 kilometers each way.
xvi) Candidates should retain their copy of Pay in Slip (SBI Challan) and Registration Slip as they can be asked to produce it for future reference.
xvii) Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Kolkata.

Starting date for submitting applications through website: 30.12.2013

Closing date for submitting applications through website: 11.01.2014

Advt.No.: RMD/K/Pers/F-14/2013/2213


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