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Opportunity for B.Pharm to Join as General Manager at CMSS - Government of India Job

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Opportunity for B.Pharm to Join as General Manager at CMSS

Central Medical Services Society has been established with the approval of Cabinet on 24.08.2011 as a Central Procurement Agency to streamline drug procurement and distribution system of Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and to eliminate existing deficiencies. The Mission of the Society is to procure high quality health sector goods in a transparent and cost-effective manner in line with the directives of the Government of India and ensure timely and un-interrupted supply of health sector goods & services for State Government and Union Territories.

Post : General Manager

General Manager (Procurement)-II
Number of Posts : One (01)
Method of recruitment : whether direct or by deputation or on contract On contractual basis / Deputation.
The terms for deputation are at Annex-II On direct contract basis, the terms are below:
Emoluments : Rs. 1,50,000/- per month (Consolidated - all inclusive) for contractual appointment.
Tenure of Post : On contract basis, initially for a period of 5 years (Renewable on yearly basis subject to satisfactory performance). For deserving candidates, period of engagement can be further extended beyond 5 years, on yearly contract basis subject to satisfactory performance.
Age limit : Upto 55 years of age on the last date of application.

Educational Qualification : An Engineering Degree./ B.Pharma/ MBA
Experience :
• Candidate must have post qualification work experience of minimum 15 years in Central Govt./State Govt./Public Sector Undertaking /Autonomous bodies under Central or State Government AND/OR private industry with Annual turnover of 500 crores or more in the preceding financial years.
• Out of the above 15 years. candidate must have at least 06 years’ experience in whole time capacity in core procurement in Central Govt./State Govt./Public Sector Undertaking /Autonomous bodies under Central or State Government.
• For each of past experience tenure in private industry, the Annual Turnover in preceding year should be Rs.500 Crores or more.
• Knowledge of modem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and E- Procurement system.
• Knowledge of GFR, Public Procurement Process & related provisions.
• Candidate should be proficient in MS Office.
• Knowledge of Government e- Market place
• Candidate should have good oral and written expression in English
Probation period : 6 months
Period of appointment : For retention/continuation, review of performance at the end of every year by the DG & CEO and the Chairman, Governing Body. However, services can be terminated / relieved by sewing one month notice by either side.
CMSS at its discretion may terminate the services by paying one month salary (in lieu of notice period) and may dispense with the requirement of one month advance notice by the employee by depositing and accept one month’s pay in lieu thereof.
Annual Increment : 5% Subject to satisfactory performance as mentioned at point 10.

Job Responsibilities
1. To oversee that the procurement (Domestic & Externally Aided Projects) is done in a transparent, efficient and economic manner, in line with the law of the land /or as per bilateral or multilateral or as per mutual agreement with the donor agency as the case may be.
2. To monitor storage in warehouses and order goods based on needs so as to avoid shortages and wastages in close coordination with the programme/indenting division.
3. Preparing supplier database by incorporating details of contract particulars, product, and license, past performance and product quality problems if any.
4. Preparation / updation of standard bid document by incorporating all relevant provisions of GFR, relevant GOI Guidelines, Procurement Manual and amendments there to.
5. Award/issue of contract and other related documents.
6. Responsible for bid evaluation, award of contract and post contract management.
7. To ensure grievances redressal of suppliers.
8. Assist in training needs and preparation of training materials required for in house team / clients/partners /Vendors related to procurement, distribution and storage of drugs/vaccines/contraceptive/ other public health related items etc.
9. To implement necessary periodical updates in e-procurement and ERP system.
10. Conducting Market Research & keep update in Pharmaceutical Sector Domestic & International.
11. In the matter related to procurement providing technical and managerial advice to Ministry/ Department of Central Government, State Governments /or any other procurement of health sector goods.
12. Any other duties as specified or assigned by the Director General & CEO.

Eligibility criteria for General Manager (Procurement)
Officers of the rank of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary level of the Central Government possessing the following qualifications and experience are eligible for the post:-
(a) (i) holding analogous post in level 12 as per 7th CPC (pre-revised scale of PB3: Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-) or equivalent on regular basis in the parent cadre or department; or
(ii) With five years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis, in the pre-revised pay band of PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs. 66,00/- (as per 6lh CPC) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department;
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:-
(i) A master /Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or B. Pharma or MBA of a recognised University.
(ii) Three years’ experience in the field of Public Procurement Goods /Services.
Note 1 : Period of deputation including short term contract in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years.
Note 2 : The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 55 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
It is requested that the applications of the eligible officers who are willing to be appointed on deputation basis may be forwarded as per the given address along with two copies of Bio-data (Annexure-2) duly signed by the applicant and certified by the Head of Office/Employer. Candidates who are applying for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. While recommending names of suitable officers, Departments are requested to enclose the following certificates/documents:
(i) Complete and up-to-date ACRs/APARs for the last 5 years, duly attested on each page by an officer not below the level of Under Secretary or equivalent.
(ii) Vigilance clearance certificate.
(iii) Cadre Clearance and Certificate to the effect that in case the officer so recommended is selected, he/she will be immediately relieved to take charge of the assignment;
(iv) Certificate regarding imposition of penalties stating that no minor/major penalties have been imposed upon the officer during the last 10 years;
(v) Integrity Certificate.

General Manager (Quality Assurance)
Number of Posts : One (01)
Emoluments : Rs. 1,50,000/- per month (Consolidated - all inclusive) for contractual appointment.
Method of recruitment : whether direct or by deputation or on contract.
Tenure of Post : On contract basis, initially for a period of 5 years (Renewable on yearly basis subject to satisfactory performance). For deserving candidates, period of engagement can be further extended beyond 5 years, on yearly contract basis subject to satisfactory performance.
Age limit : Up to 55 years of age on the last date of application.
Educational Qualification :
M. Pharma./ M.Sc.(Chemistry)/M.Sc.(Analytical Chemistry) Experience:
• Candidate must have post qualification work experience of minimum 15 years in Central Govt. /State Govt./PSU/Autonomous body/ Pharmaceutical Industry (with INR 500 Crores Annual Turn Over in the preceding financial year).
• Of the above 15 vears. candidate must have at least 06 vears’ experience in whole time capacity in Quality Control/Quality Assurance/Analytical R&D of pharmaceutical products.
• For each of past experience tenure in private industry, the Annual Turnover in preceding year should be Rs. 500 Crores or more.
• Knowledge of Drug & Cosmetic Act 1940, Medical Devices Rules 2017 and amendments thereof, Pharmacopeia, The Insecticide Act 1968, New Drugs Rules, and CDSCO Functions is desirable.
• Candidate should be proficient in MS Office.
• Candidate should have good oral and written expression in English
Probation period : 6 months
Annual Increment : 5% Subject to satisfactory performance as mentioned at point 10.
Period of appointment : For retention/continuation, review of performance at the end of every year by the DG & CEO and the Chairman, Governing Body. However, services can be terminated / relieved by serving one month notice by either side. CMSS at its discretion may terminate the services by paying one month salary (in lieu of notice period) and may dispense with the requirement of one month advance notice by the employee by depositing and accept one month’s pay in lieu thereof.

Job Responsibilities
1) To ensure that all procured goods are of the highest quality and meet the specifications as per the purchase order.
2) To ensure that the quality does not deteriorate during storage and distribution.
3) To put in place excellent, quality assurance system through the procurement cycle starting from sourcing till final distribution to ensure the quality of health sector goods.
4) Providing advice on all technical issues relating to procurement of Health Sector Goods.
5) To conduct inspection & testing of contracted goods to ensure supply as per contract specifications.
6) Assessment of vendors, vendor rating and registration of suppliers to maintain directory of suppliers.
7) Assessment and empanelment of external inspection agencies.
8) To provide inputs to the Supply Chain Management System.
9) E-procurement relating to quality assurance issues.
10) Any other duties as specified or assigned by the Director General & CEO.

Eligibility criteria for General Manager (Quality Assurance)
Officers of the rank of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary level of the Central Government possessing the following qualifications and experience are eligible for the post:-
(a)  (i) holding analogous post in level 12 as per 7th CPC (pre-revised scale of PB3:
• Rs.15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs. 7600/=) or equivalent on regular basis in the parent
cadre or department; or
(ii) With five years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis, in the pre-revised pay band of PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs. 66,00/- (as per 6th CPC) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department;
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience :-
(i) M.Pharma / M.Sc. (Chemistry) / M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) from recognised University.
(ii) Three years’ experience in any of the fields such as State Drug Controller/Central Drug Controller/State Drug Testing Laboratories /Central Drug Testing Laboratories.
Note 1 : Period of deputation including short term contract in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed three years.
Note 2 : The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not exceeding 55 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

Applications complete in all respects may be sent “Through proper channel” at the given address: The GM (Administration), Central Medical Services Society, 2nd Floor, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021.

The last date of receipt of application has been extended from 03.10.2023 to 10.10.2023.

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