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Job for Pharmacist at Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh

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Job for Pharmacist at Chief Medical and Health Officer, Raigarh

In compliance with the instructions given by the Mission Operator, National Health Mission, Raipur under National Health Mission in Raigad district, letter number / NHM / HR / 2020 / NS - 1596 / 1635 Nava Raipur, Atal Nagar, dated 30/12/2020  , R.O.P.  District reservation roster by conducting skill test / written test / interview by inviting applications through walk-in-interview on the vacant contract posts shown in the following table for contract appointment against the new and vacant posts approved in the financial year 2021-22.

Post : Pharmacists-(NUHM)

No of Posts : 02
Salary : Rs 16500 pm
Qualification : Degree or Diploma in Pharmacy & Registration in Pharmacy registration Council

Application Fees
Application Fees for Salary 25, 000 or below 25, 000
Unreserved : Rs. 300 /-
OBC : Rs. 200 /-
SC, ST, Female, PWD : Rs. 100 /-

Application Fees for Salary Above Rs. 25,000
Unreserved : Rs. 400 /-
OBC : Rs. 300 /-
SC, ST, Female, PWD : Rs. 200 /-

Guidelines regarding contract appointment for vacant posts
1. The number of posts advertised may change.  
2. It is mandatory for the candidate to have a live registration before the issue of advertisement in the concerned council.  
3. The selection process will be done on the basis of educational qualification, experience, interview / skill test.  
4. UGC as per the requirement of the institution from which the educational qualification is obtained.  , AICTI  And must be recognized by the concerned council.  Apart from this, the other organization is invalid (for this visit the website  
5. Preference will be given to the domicile of the district for the posts having integrated pay scale less than Rs.16500/-.  In case the natives of the district are not available, candidates from other districts will be selected.  
6. Equal opportunity will be given to the candidates of all the districts of the state in the posts having pay scale above Rs. 16500 / -   
7. It is mandatory for the applicants to be a resident of Chhattisgarh, it will be mandatory to bring the original copy of the residence certificate issued by the competent authority.  
8. Experience Certificate (for the calculation of marks) Only the experience of the Government Institution / Undertaking / Corporation Board in the field of the concerned post will be valid.  Experience of free service or posts not paid from government funds will not be considered.  Experience certificate It will be mandatory to give a copy of the appointment order and pay scale issued by the employing officer of the concerned post, otherwise the marks of experience will be invalid.

9. 2 marks per year for the work experience of the respective post (for other candidates) for a maximum of 5 years (total 10 marks) and for the work experience related to the post for the officer/employee working under the National Health Mission.  3 marks will be given for a maximum of 5 years (15 marks in total).  
10. Experience certificate (related to the post applied for) Experience of only government, semi-government and funded institutions will be valid.  Experience marks will be awarded to the candidate only after having experience related to the post.  
11. Skill Test -20 Marks (Skill test will be taken in the form of written / computer based / interview etc. according to the post. )
12. Final selection list for contract appointment 65% of educational qualification, 10/15 marks of experience,  The final list will be prepared by the selection committee after calculating the total 100% marks on the basis of 20 marks of written / skill / interview test.  
13. ANM in determining the final selection list for contractual appointment.  / GNM  04 marks per annum will be counted at the rate of maximum 20 marks of experience to the mates who have received nursing training.  
14. In determining the final selection list for contractual appointment, ANM.  / GNM  / The marks of educational qualification / skill test / experience of the nursing training candidates will be calculated as per 60/20/20 respectively.  
15. The final selection list for other candidates (except applicants working/experienced under National Health Mission) will be prepared on the following basis.  
• 60% / 65% of the percentage of marks obtained in educational qualification.  
• Skill Test / Interview -20 Marks.  Experience - 10/15 marks ( 02/03 marks for each year maximum 5 years )
16. Candidate's age in case of 01/01/2021 minimum 18 years and maximum 70 years (medical post) and 64 years (managerial post)  There should be a purpose.

Mode of receipt of application form is to be submitted by appearing on the date of Walk-in-Interview / Skill Test in the prescribed format along with enclosures.  
The scheduled time for registration is from 09.00 am to 11.00 pm.
Redressal of claim objection from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
Walk-in-interview / skill test After resolving the claim objection, skill test will be taken from 10.00 am to 12.00 am on the next date at 4.30 pm or if the application number is more.  
Location - Municipal Auditorium, Panjari Plant, Raigad, Chhattisgarh
Date : 12th August, 2021


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