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Applications are invited for Scientist at Indian Institute of Technology

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for Scientist at Indian Institute of Technology

Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee is among the foremost of institutes of national importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research. Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the technical manpower and know-how to the country and in pursuit of research. The Institute ranks amongst the best technological institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research in the field of science, technology, and engineering.

Applications are invited from Indian nationals only for project position(s) as per the details given below for the consultancy/research project(s) under the Principal investigator (Name : Dr. Pravindra Kumar), Dept / Centre Biosciences and Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Post : Scientist Position - 01

Title of project : Translational and Structural Bioinformatics

Sponsor of the project : DBT (DBT- 1677-BIO)

Qualifications : The prospective candidate should hold a Ph.D. in any of the fields of Computational Biophysics, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Machine learning / artificial intelligence. Preference would be given to candidates with good programming experience in Python/C++. Motivation to gain an in-depth understanding of biological system / phenomena is required. The candidate must have at least two first author publications (Q1/Q2) in the relevant fields as mentioned. Candidates who have recently submitted their doctoral thesis are also eligible to apply subject to the condition that they will furnish the proof of award of Ph.D at the time of interview.

Emoluments : 56000+ HRA as per govt, rule

Duration : Five Years or till the project end

Job description : The prospective candidate is expected to have a strong background  in  Computational  Biophysics /  Computational Biology /Bioinformatics / Machine learning/Artificial Intelligence. Candidate should be passionate about working on cutting edge research leading to high impact products and services. Other research activities may include participating in research discussion with collaborators from national and overseas universities and research centers.

1. Candidates before appearing for the interview shall ensure that they are eligible for the position they intend to apply.
2. Candidates desiring to appear for the Interview should submit their applications with the following documents to the office of Principal Investigator through email, by post or produce at the time of Interview 
• Application in a plain paper with detailed CV including chronological discipline of degree/certificates obtained.
• Experience including research, industrial field and others.
• Attested copies of degree/certificate and experience certificate.
3. Candidate shall bring along with them the original degree(s)/certificate(s) and experience certificate(s) at the time of interview for verification.
4. Preference will be given to SC/ST candidates on equal qualifications and experience.
5. Please note that no TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview. The last date for application to be submitted to office of Principal Investigator is 7th Sep 2021 by 5 PM through email at or physically at the department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Roorkee.

The interview will be held through webex online.

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