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Recruitment for Scientist, Research Scientist, Principal Scientist at National Institute of Biologicals - 12 posts | Remuneration upto Rs.55000/- pm

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The National Institute of Biologicals, an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is a premier scientific organization and a Centre of excellence to ensure quality of vaccines and biologicals in the country.

Applications are invited for following posts (Contractual) in R &D Projects at NIB, NOIDA

Principal Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : Ph.D. in molecular biology (Real time PCR, DNA Sequencing) with at- least one publication
Remuneration : Rs.55000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
1. National Standard for Hepatitis B Virus for Nucleic Acid amplification Techniques (Project code NIB/MDL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT/2017/01)
2. National Standard for HIV-1 for Nucleic Acid amplification Techniques (Project code NIB/MDL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT/2017/02)
3. National Standard for Hepatitis C Virus for Nucleic Acid amplification Techniques (Project code NIB/MDL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT/2017/03)
Project Duration : 3 Years

Senior Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : Biotech, Bioinformatics, or any field of life science with Two year experience in Molecular Biology or molecular virology
Remuneration : Rs.45000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
4. A study on the identification and characterization of Potential diagnostic targets against HCV genotype 3 (Project code: NIB/MDL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/04)


Research Scientist 2-Posts
Qualifications : in Immunology/ Microbiology with minimum 1 Year experience on the proposed work in immunodiagnostic Kits (Dengue, Chickungunya & Syphilis)
Remuneration : Rs.35000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
5. Preparation of Performance Panel of Dengue for supplying to indigenous manufacturers (Project code: NIB/IDK/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
6. Preparation of performance panel of Chickungunya for supplying to indigenous manufacturers (Project code: NIB/IDK/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/02)
7. Preparation of performance panel of Syphilis for supplying to indigenous manufacturers (Project code: NIB/IDK/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/03)
Project Duration : 3 Years

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Senior Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc. / M. Tech with 2 years’ experience in the area of Serology / hematology
Remuneration : Rs.45000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
8. Preparation of National Reference standards (NRS)/Material for Anti A (Monoclonal), Anti B (Monoclonal) Blood Grouping Reagents (Project code: NIB/BRL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
9. Comparative study for viability of cryo-preserved Red Blood Cells when thawed and resuspended in Alsever’ s Solution for a period of four weeks (Project code: NIB/BRL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/02)
Project Duration : 3 Years

Principal Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc./ M.Tech with 5 years/ Ph.D. with experience in cell culture methods, Both Suspension and adherent cell lines and cell proliferation assays
Remuneration : Rs.55000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
10. An Alternative method to animal testing for Quality Control of Erythropoietin (Project code: NIB/RPL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
11. Development of National Reference Standards for rDNA products (Growth Factors) (Project code: NIB/RPL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/02)
Project Duration : 4 Years

Principal Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc./ M.Tech with 5 years/ Ph.D. with experience in physiochemical characterization such as LCMS/MS HPLC/UPLC, CZE, IEF Electrophoresis/ Western blotting/ protein sequencing/FTIR/CD Spectroscopy Interpretation of 1° or 2° structure, data analysis in application field.
Remuneration : Rs.55000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
12. Development of National Reference Standards for rDNA products (Insulin Analogues) (Project code: NIB/RPL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/03)
Project Duration : 4 Years

Principal Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc./ M.Tech with 5 years/ Ph.D. with experience in physiochemical characterization such as LCMS/MS HPLC/UPLC, CZE, IEF Electrophoresis/ Western blotting/ protein sequencing/FTIR/CD Spectroscopy Interpretation of 1° or 2° structure, data analysis in application field.
Remuneration : Rs.55000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
13. Development of National Standards and monographs for Monoclonal Antibodies (Project code: NIB/TMA/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
Project Duration : 3 Years

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Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc. in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or Microbiology with knowledge of cell culture handling.
Remuneration : Rs.35000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
14. Development of antibody Liposomal conjugates for delivery of nucleic acid based drugs (Project code: NIB/TMA/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT/2017/02)
Project Duration : 3 Years

Senior Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc. Biochemistry with at least 2 years of experience in QC Testing of plasma Derived products.
Remuneration : Rs.45000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
15. Development of National Reference standards for total protein estimation in Human albumin (Project code: NIB/BPL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
16. Comparison of various pharmacopeia methods with ion-selective electrode potentiometry for measurement of sodium content in human albumin preparation (Project code: NIB/BPL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/02)
17. Development of National reference standard for potency estimation in Human Coagulation Factor VIII (Plasma derived) (Project code: NIB/BPL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/03)
Project Duration : 2 Years

Principal Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : M.Sc./ M. tech with 5 years’/Ph.D with experience in Physiochemical characterization such as HPLC/UPLC, Electrophoresis/ western blotting/ CD spectroscopy, ELISA reader.
Remuneration : Rs.55000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
18. Comparative study of conventional In-vivo Potency assay of Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone (r-hFSH) and alternative methods (Like HPLC based) (Project code: NIB/EHL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
19. Development of National Reference Standard of enzymes and hormones product (Project code: NIB/EHL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/02)
Project Duration : 3 Years

Principal Research Scientist 1-Post
Qualifications : Ph.D. with experience in Allergy work/ immunochemical/ biochemical techniques like SDS-PAGE, Western Blot, ELISA, ELISA-Inhibition, FPLC, Protein isolation and characterization.
Remuneration : Rs.55000/- + 5000(Conveyance)
Project Title :
20. Development of Quality Control measures of moth Allergen Extract (Project code: NIB/ATL/RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT /2017/01)
Project Duration : 3 Years

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Roles and Responsibilities of Principal Research Scientist
1. Performs test procedures independently in a timely manner as and when required.
2. Provides scientific inputs for RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT projects aimed at development of standards for Biologics products and publications.
3. Reviews, evaluates and stays up-to-date with scientific literature/trends in the relevant technical area.
4. Routinely applies personal experience, academic training, and technical insights to solve complex problems in the laboratory.
5. Assists Reporting Officer in planning, implementing and evaluating laboratory procedures/systems on assigned projects.
6. Develops and maintains regular interaction with colleagues to enable smooth functioning of lab.
7. Participates in training programs and actively engages and contributes in collaborative joint projects.
8. Supports team members and provides training and guidance when required.
9. Prepares project plans and reports as per requirement.
10. Seeks out innovative ways to apply knowledge or skills to improve protocols and results.
11. Reviews all testing and analysis records of experimental data, ensuring clarity and authenticity in transcription of results and calculations.
12. Demonstrates a strong desire to continue learning and enhance personal capability. 13. Performs additional duties as assigned by the Lab Heads. Roles and

Responsibilities of Senior Research Scientist/Research Scientist
1. Performs test procedures independently in a timely manner as and when required.
2. Assists Reporting Officer/Team Member in planning, implementing and evaluating laboratory procedures/systems on assigned projects.
3. Develops and maintains regular interaction with colleagues to enable smooth functioning of lab.
4. Demonstrates a strong desire to continue learning and enhance personal capability.
5. Performs additional duties as assigned by Lab Heads.

General Instruction:
1. The Competent Authority reserves the right to accept or reject the applications without assigning any reason.
2. The contract appointment is on purely temporary basis and can be terminated by giving not less than one-month notice on either side at any time without assigning any reason. 3. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview. It is not obligatory on the part of Institute to call for interview every candidate who possesses the essential qualification.
4. Interested person with requisite qualifications and experience may submit his/her full CV to “To M/s Bedi & Bedi Associates, Karol Bagh, New Delhi or email at latest by 21st August, 2017.

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