Research at inStem addresses the genetic mechanisms of potency, differentiation and proliferation in human pluripotent cells, examines clinical manifestations of diseases that can potentially be treated by stem cells, models human diseases using stem cells, uses model organisms such as Planaria and Hydra to address fundamental questions in regenerative biology, develops platforms to interrogate signaling pathways with new chemical entities, and finally, develops tools that will help to better understand the biology driving stem cells and eventually treat disease states.At inStem, research is primarily carried out by groups who work on tightly-knit themes, crossing boundaries and developing new approaches to address questions larger than the expertise of individual researchers.
Post : Post Doctoral Fellow
A post-doctoral fellow position is available, to work on the generation of iPSC derived cardiomyocytes for studies in human biology under the supervision ofProf.Mahendra Rao, inStem, Bengaluru. The appointment will be a fixed term position initially for a period of one (1) year that may be extended up to a maximum of three years depending on the performance of the candidate. The position comes with a consolidated pay as per Institute norms.
Qualification: Ph.D in a relevant area (Stem cell biology, Cell signalling, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular biology).
Experience: One-two research experience in stem cell biology and cellular differentiationwith demonstrable output. Prior experience in stem cell culture and differentiation of lineages from iPSCs is desirable.
Age Limit for the above position: Below 35 years
Applicants should submit a complete biodata, names and contact information (postal and email) of two scientific referees and a statement of interest (~400 words) pertinent to the position applied for by September 9, 2017. Applications may be sent to as one pdf file.
Shortlisted applicants will be called for an interview.
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