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Opportunity for M.Pharm, M.Sc to work under Ministry of AYUSH, CCRH - Salary upto Rs. 1,42,400 pm

Clinical research courses

Opportunity for M.Pharm, M.Sc to work under Ministry of AYUSH, CCRH

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy is an apex research organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India which undertakes, coordinates, develops, disseminates and promotes scientific research in Homoeopathy. The Headquarters of the Council are situated in New Delhi and multi-centric research is conducted through a network of 26 institutes/units all over India.  The Council formulates and conducts research programs/projects; collaborates with national and international institutes of excellence to undertake evidence based research in fundamental and applied aspects of Homoeopathy; monitors extra mural researches and propagates the research findings through monographs, journals, newsletters, I.E.&C. materials, seminars/workshops.

Post : Assistant Research Officer (Pharmacognosy)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for tilling up of 01 (one) post of Assistant Research Officer (Pharmacognosy) as per following details.

Name of post : Assistant Research Officer (Pharmacognosy)
No. of posts : 01- One [Unreserved]
Level in the Pay Matrix : Level-7 [Rs.44900-1,42,400]

Age Limit : 30 years and below. (Relaxable for Government servants up to five years in accordance with the orders or instructions issued by the Central Government) .
Educational and other qualifications :  Master’s Degree in Science in Botany / Medicinal Plants or M.Pharma (Pharmacognosy) from a recognized University/Institute.

Duties : To undertake assigned Pharmacognosy research work under drug standardization programme of the Council
Place of Posting : Hyderabad or any other Institute/Unit of the Council

1. The last date for receipt of application is 10.05.2022. The Applications received after the last date OR with incomplete information will be summarily rejected. If the last date happens to be a holiday, it will stand extended to the next working day.
2. The competent authority reserves the right to extend the closing date for receipt of applications and also reserves the right to postpone/cancel the recruitment exercise for the posts at any stage of recruitment.
3. The candidates are required to pay the following fee:
General, OBC and EWS - Rs. 300/-(Three hundred only).  
Women/SC/ST/Physically Handicapped : NIL
Fee is to be paid in the form of Demand Draft or Pay Order, to be drawn in favour of ‘Director General, CCRH’ and payable at New Delhi. Fees once paid will not be refunded nor adjusted in future recruitment. Applications received without requisite fee will be summarily rejected.
4. Eligibility of the candidate including maximum age limit will be counted as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
5. Application Form and Documents: Self-attested copies of the following documents are required to be submitted along with the Application Form:
a. Application: The application should be in the prescribed format (Annex-1) duly completed in all respects and all pages, including enclosures, signed and continuously numbered.
b. Proof of Age: Matriculation/10‘h Standard or equivalent certificate indicating Date of Birth or Mark-sheet of Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating Date of Birth.
c. Educational qualifications: Mark-sheets and degree certificates.
d. Experience: Experience indicated by the candidate in the Application Form should be supported by certificates from the concerned institutions and should be from a recognized Institution/ hospital.
e. Caste/Tribe certificate as per the formats prescribed by the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India for employment under the Central Government - specimen form is enclosed (Annex-3).
f. Physically handicapped candidates are required to submit certificate in the prescribed format from the competent medical authority indicating the degree of physical disability as 40% or more.
g. Application fee: Should mention the relevant details in the application form. The DD/Pay order should be properly attached on the front page of Application form.Further the candidate should write his name, address and telephone number on the back of the DD/Pay order.
h. Original certificates/ documents are required to be produced before joining. The selected candidates will also be asked to produce no objection certificate, if employed, from their employer before issueof offer of appointment.
6. The applications in the prescribed format, duly completed in all respects, should reach the Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, 61-65, Institutional Area, Opposite D-Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 by the prescribed closing date.
The Candidates should also fill up the relevant columns of Admission Ticket (Annex-2) and submit the same alongwith the application form. The candidates should mention “Application for the post of Assistant Research Officer (Pharmacognosy)” in bold letters on top of the envelop.
7. Age relaxation to candidates belonging to physically handicapped will be available as per the orders of the Government of India.
8. The upper age limit is reiaxable for Government servants as per Government of India (DoPT) orders. A candidate seeking age relaxation under this category would have to produce a certificate issued after the date of advertisement form his/her employer on the office letter head as per the proforma attached (Annex-4). The age relaxation will be admissible to such Government servants as are working in post which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship could be established that his service already rendered in a particular post will be useful for the efficient discharge of the duties of the post the recruitment of which has been advertised.

9. Selection will be made through a written test the details of which would be notified later on.
10. The candidates are required to secure minimum cut-off marks (45%) in the written test to be considered for inclusion in the select list or reserve panel.

11. A provisional examination of the application will be made and details of such examination will be made available to the candidates through the website of the Council. An opportunity will be given to the candidates to represent against rejection of their application.
12. The number of vacancies may vary subject to the requirement at the stage of final selection.
13. The jurisdiction for all legal matters for this recruitment will be exclusively at New Delhi and legal cases filed (if any) in other courts will not be maintainable.
14. Council will not be held responsible for any postal delay.
15. Candidates are requested to see Council s website ( on regular basis for any new announcement in this regard. Any new announcement will be made only through the website of the Council. Candidates are advised to indicate an e-mail IP’s in their application and keep it active.
16. The appointment will be subject to medical examination and verification of character and antecedents of the candidates from the competent authorities.
17. The selected candidate will be governed by the Rules and Regulations as are applicable to other employees of the Council and necessary undertaking will have to be given before appointment.
18. New Pension Scheme (NPS)2004 will be applicable.
19. The Institute/Units of the Council are located throughout India and the details are available on the website of the Council.
20. In case any information given or declaration by the candidate is found to be false or if the candidate has willfully suppressed any material information, he/she will liable to be removed from the service and any action taken as deemed fit by the appointing authority.
21. The candidate selected for appointment is liable to be transferred anywhere in India.
22. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the written test.
23. Canvassing through any source will lead to disqualification of the concerned candidate.

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