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Vacancy for Research Associate at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences

Clinical research courses

Vacancy for Research Associate at Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences

Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, formerly Nizams Orthopaedic Hospital, is a public hospital located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. It is an Institute under State Legislature Act under the Act of Andhra Pradesh State Legislature. It has campuses in Punjagutta and Bibinagar.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced candidates in the prescribed format (to be copied on a plain paper) for the temporary post(s) mentioned below in the research project titled

Present title of study : “Initiating Antimicrobial Stewardship Program” Phase II, at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences.

Research Associate-I
Number : SRC/AC-4/440/2018
Tenure of the post : 6 Months
Salary per month. (Rs) (Consolidated) : 47,000/- +(HRA)
Requirement of (i) Qualification (ii) Age limit and (iii) experience (as per guidelines) : MD Pharmacology /PharmD/ M.Pharm ii. Below 35 years iii. 3 years of research/teaching and having research experience preferably relevant to AMSP, and 1 research paper.

2. Applicants should note that the appointments to be made are purely temporary and there is no right for claiming for any regular appointment in NIMS.
3. Other terms and conditions will be explained at the time of interview.
4. No T.A/D.A will be paid for attending the interview or for joining the post.
5. The application should be submitted in the enclosed format (by copying on a plain paper) and must be accompanied by attested copies of certificates in support of all information furnished in the application.
6. Last date for receipt of filled-in applications: -
7. Date of Interview - will be communicated over phone/e-mail to short listed candidates only
Venue:- Dean's office, NIMS.
8. Address to which the applications should be sent: Dean's office, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Punjagutta, Hyderabad - 500082

Name of the Principal Investigator : Dr.M.V.S.Subbalaxmi
please mentioned post Notification no on Closed envelop Cover.

Last Date : 12-05-2021 16:00

Application Form>>

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