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Recruitment for Pharmacists (20 Posts) under NHM

Clinical research courses

Recruitment for Pharmacists under NHM

Kolhapur municipality was established on 12 October 1854. Establishment of municipality initiated planning of modern Kolhapur city. Efforts were done with elaborate planning to develop stable and comfortable citylife. The radient indication of modern enhancement of city growth, happiness, health & beauty started reflecting in various fields.

Under Kolhapur Municipal Corporation National Health Mission Covid 19 Infectious Disease Control Preference will be given to the candidates already working at the site of Covid Treatment Center to fill the remaining vacancies  will be done.

Post : Pharmacist
No of Posts : 20
Qualification : D.Pharm, B.Pharm
Salary : Rs 17000/-

General Instructions for Candidates:
1. The selection of candidates is done by Hon.  As per the guidelines in the letter dated 12/04/2020 from the Commissioner of Health Services and Director National Health Mission, the list of candidates who have obtained the required marks in the required educational qualification, his marks in case of higher educational qualification and experience in this post will be announced. And appointment orders will be issued to the candidate as required.
2.  The above terms will be valid for 3 months or until the outbreak of Corona virus or whichever is earlier.  
3. If  you have any educational qualification and experience for the above post, from 20/04/2021 to 27/04/2021, candidates can apply in the prescribed format on e-mail id  And mark sheet, certificate of higher educational qualification and mark sheet and experience certificate of the said post
4. An agreement regarding the acceptance of terms and conditions by the candidate for appointment is Rs.  100 / - should be written on the stamp paper.

5. The appointment of the selected candidates will be subject to the contract.
6.  Candidate will not have any right to retain the posts of mother as they are on net honorarium basis.  Nor can it be appealed in any court.  
7. Before submitting the application, the candidate should first make sure that he / she fulfills the educational qualifications, experience and conditions and only after that the application has to be submitted.  
8. The advertisement for the above post should be held by the candidate while applying.


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