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Recruitment for Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in Pharmacology at AIIMS - Masters in Pharmacology can apply

Clinical research courses

AIIMS Mangalagiri is a Tertiary healthcare institute of national importance, established by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojna (PMSSY). Applications are invited from the Director, AIIMS Mangalagiri from the eligible Indian nationals including overseas citizens of India for the following posts on regular basis in AIIMS, Mangalagiri.

Post : Professor, Additional Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor (Pharmacology)

Professor (1 UR)
For Medical Candidates:
i. A Medical qualification included in the I or II Schedule or Part II of the third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in Section13 (3) of the Act.)
ii. A Postgraduate qualification, i.e. M.D in Pharmacology or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto.
Experience: Fourteen years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in Pharmacology after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D in Pharmacology or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
For Non-Medical Candidates: i. A Post Graduate qualification i.e. Master’s degree in Pharmacology/Drug Assay// Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Zoology ii. A Doctorate (Ph. D) Degree from a recognized University/institute.
Experience: 14 years’ teaching and/or research experience in Pharmacology or subject concerned after obtaining the Doctorate Degree
Scale of Pay : Level 14A (168900 – 220400) as per 7th CPC with minimum pay Rs.1,68,900/- per month and other
allowances as admissible.

Additional Professor (1 UR)
For Medical Candidates:
i. A Medical qualification included in the I or II Schedule or Part II of the third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in Section13 (3) of the Act.)
ii. A Postgraduate qualification, i.e. M.D in Pharmacology or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto.
Experience: Ten years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in Pharmacology after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D in Pharmacology or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
For Non-Medical Candidates:
i. A Post Graduate qualification i.e. Master’s degree in Pharmacology/Drug Assay// Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Zoology
ii. A Doctorate (Ph. D) Degree from a recognized University/institute.
Experience: Ten years teaching and/or research experience in Pharmacology or subject concerned after obtaining the Doctorate Degree
Scale of Pay : Level 13A2 (148200 – 211400) as per 7th CPC with minimum pay Rs.1,48,200/-per month and other allowances as admissible.

Associate Professor (1 SC)
For Medical Candidates:
i. A Medical qualification included in the I or II Schedule or Part II of the third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in Section13 (3) of the Act.)
ii. A Postgraduate qualification, i.e. M.D in Pharmacology or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto.
Experience: Six years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in Pharmacology after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D in Pharmacology or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
For Non-Medical Candidates:
i. A Post Graduate qualification i.e. Master’s degree in Pharmacology/Drug Assay// Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Zoology
ii. A Doctorate (Ph. D) Degree from a recognized University/institute.
Experience: Six years teaching and/or research experience in Pharmacology or subject concerned after obtaining the Doctorate Degree

Scale of Pay : Level 13A1 (138300 – 209200) as per 7th CPC with minimum pay Rs.1,38,300/- per month and other allowances as admissible.

Assistant Professor (1 SC; 1 UR; 1 OBC)
For Medical Candidates:
i. A Medical qualification included in the I or II Schedule or Part II of the third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in part II or third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in Section13 (3) of the Act.) ii. A Postgraduate qualification, i.e. M.D in Pharmacology or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto.
Experience: Three years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized institution in Pharmacology after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.D in Pharmacology or a qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
For Non-Medical Candidates:
i. A Post Graduate qualification i.e. Master’s degree in Pharmacology/Drug Assay// Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Zoology
ii. A Doctorate (Ph. D) Degree from a recognized University/institute. Experience: Three years teaching and/or research experience in Pharmacology or subject concerned after obtaining the Doctorate Degree

Scale of Pay : Level 12 (101500 – 167400) as per 7th CPC with minimum pay Rs.1,01,500/- per month and other allowances as admissible.

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Professor: Not exceeding 58 years as on closing date i.e 30.04.2019
Additional Professor: Not exceeding 58 years as on closing date i.e 30.04.2019
Associate Professor: Not exceeding 50 years as on closing date i.e 30.04.2019
Assistant Professor: Not exceeding 50 years as on closing date i.e 30.04.2019

Relaxable by five (5) years in case of post reserved for SC /ST candidates and three (3) years for the post reserved for OBC candidate as per rules of the Govt. of India. Relaxation for Persons with Disabilities is admissible as per rules. Relaxation of Five (5) years for Government servants as per rules.

1. All the posts carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees as per Govt. of India from time to time.
2. Postgraduate degree i.e. MD/MS/DM possessed by the candidate must be recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI)
3. Last Date for receipt of filled in application will be on or before 30.04.2019 till 5:00 PM.

4. DETAILS OF APPLICATION FEES: For General/OBC Category Rs. 3,000/- and for SC/ ST categories Rs.2,500/- to be paid through NEFT/RTGS/Cash deposit/fund transfer in the given bank account. The Application fee is non-refundable. No application fee is to be deposited for PwD (Persons with Disabilities) candidates. The account details for NEFT/RTGS/Cash deposit/fund transfer:
Name of Bank: Syndicate Bank, SMC, Vijayawada
Name of account holder: AIIMS Students Account.
Account Number: 33661010000917
IFSC No.: SYNB0003366

*The candidates who have applied to JIPMER, Puducherry for the posts of respective departments vide Advt. No. JIP/AIIMS(Man)/2018/02 dated 07.02.2018 are suggested to read NOTE in page number 1.

5. MODE OF SELECTION: Personal interview
6. The crucial date for Age limit and experience will be the last date of receipt of application i.e. 30.04.2019.
7. The persons belonging to SC/ST/OBC /Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) must submit the certificate in the requisite proforma duly issued by the authority concerned.
8. Applicants already employed in Central/State Govt./Autonomous Institutions / Statutory Organizations/ PSUs under Central/ State Govt. should route their applications through proper channel. Pay, GPF, Leave Encashment etc. if any are to be settled from the previous employer on selection before joining this Institution.
9. While forwarding the application through proper channel, a certificate to the effect that Central Government / State Government / Union Territory or the parent Department/Organizations has “No Objection” to the appointment of officer concerned may also be sent to this Institute along with the application.
10. Application for the post shall be in the prescribed proforma available in the AIIMS, Mangalagiri website It shall be accompanied by self-certified copies of educational qualification and exp erience, Certificate of date of Birth and other documents. The competent authority, AIIMS, Mangalagiri reserves the right to decide the number of posts to be filled up.
11. Application incomplete in any respect or received after due date i.e. 30.04.2019. or without/incomplete application fee will be summarily rejected. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delays and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
12. Date, time and place of interview will be intimated in the institute website in due course of time .
13. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview.
14. The cover containing the Application is to be marked as

“Application for the post of …………….”. A completed application should have the relevant documents invariably sent along with the application by post addressed to

The Assistant Controller of Examinations,
Exam Cell, AIIMS temporary campus,
1st Floor, Government Siddhartha Medical college,
Beside NTR Health University,
Gunadala, Vijayawada – 520008
Andhra Pradesh



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