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Job for M.Pharm, M.Sc under DBT sponsored projects at IASST

Clinical research courses

Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST) is a premier scientific research organization in the north-east region, conceived and nurtured by the Assam Science Society in its initial years and was inaugurated by Nobel Laureate Dorothy C. Hodgkin on 3rd November 1979. Subsequently, it was supported by the state govt. as its only autonomous R&D institute till March 2009. The institute was taken over in March, 2009 by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India as one of its autonomous R&D institute.

Applications are invited for the recruitment of following position on contractual basis with consolidated pay under DBT sponsored projects.

Junior Research Fellow - 01 post

Project Name: Chemical investigation and therapeutic evaluation for linking marker compound(s) with anti-diabetic potential of young shoots of Wendlandia glabrata D.C. and fruits of Phoebe cooperiana, used by indigenous ST people of Arunachal Pradesh.

Pay : Rs. 25000 + 20% HRA per month. Candidates with NET / GATE / BET / BINC qualification or degree in professional courses, otherwise (candidates without NET / GATE / BET / BINC qualification) Rs.12, 000/+20% HRA per month.

Qualifications : M.Sc in Chemistry (organic/natural Product)/ Biotechnology/M Pharm degree

Age limit: Not more than 28 years (relaxable for reserved categories as per GoI norms)

Junior Research Fellow - 01 post

Project Name: Chemical profiling of Joha and black rice of Assam for nutritional, nutraceutical parameters and aroma compounds.

Pay : Rs. 25000 + 20% HRA per month. Candidates with NETGATE/BET/BINC qualification or degree in professional courses, otherwise (candidates without NET/GATE/ BET/ BINC qualification) Rs.12, 000/+20% HRA per month.

Qualifications : Candidates with M.Sc/M.Pharm degree (with minimum of 55% marks) or equivalent in Natural products/ Biochemistry/ Zoology (Cell & Molecular Biology) are eligible to apply. Candidates having research experience on natural products/animal model/cell culture techniques/ molecular biology tools are essential.

Age limit: Not more than 28 years (relaxable for reserved categories as per GoI norms)

Technical Assistant - 02 posts

Project Name: Quality Control & Quality Assurance laboratory facility for the phytopharmaceutical mission for North East India

Pay : Rs.12,000/ per month (with 10% enhancement per anum)

Qualifications : M.Sc. in organic/natural chemistry/biochemistry/ M Pharm degree.

Age limit: Not more than 28 years (relaxable for reserved categories as per GoI norms)

How to apply : Interested eligible candidates may apply through online only within twenty days of publication of the advertisement. Only short listed candidates will be called for the interview. The candidate should bring their original mark sheets, certificates and other related documents at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidate for appearing the interview.

Paschim Boragaon, Garchuk, Guwahati-781035

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