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Indian Institute of Technology Indore invites applications for post of Researchers

Clinical research courses

IIT Indore envisages the process of convergence of traditional disciplines as the key to accomplish the previously unimaginable. With this foresight, IIT Indore has been promoting multi-disciplinary research programme, focusing on basic and applied research, technology development and innovation. It is this vision that has helped the institute to do very well in all spheres of science, engineering and humanities and social sciences.

Indian Institute of Technology Indore invites applications from outstanding researchers for the DBT-Wellcome Trust / Ramalingaswami / Ramanujan / DST-INSPIRE Fellow positions in the following specific areas of specializations in the Discipline of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering:
• Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
• Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Nanomedicine
• Biomedical Instrumentations and Devices
• Biomechanics
• Biomaterials (Artificial Organs & Implants)
• Bio-MEMS

The discipline of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering (BSBE) at Indian Institute of Technology Indore was initiated in 2012, with a vision of establishing a center of excellence that will focus on human resource development and research in areas of Biosciences, and Biomedical Engineering. The BSBE group seeks to pursue research and development activities resulting in new discoveries in imaging techniques, diagnostics kits, and novel therapies. Additionally, the BSBE group intends to carry out patient-based research in collaboration with physicians at renowned hospitals in India and abroad. The department offers the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees and runs a minor in BSBE supporting a dynamic and rapidly growing program. The research activities and experimental facilities have been well supported by various extramural research and infrastructure grants.

Candidates must have a PhD degree in any branch of science and engineering or related areas with outstanding academic credentials that clearly demonstrate their ability to conduct independent and successful research in their respective areas of expertise and to build crossdisciplinary research programs. Candidates must have excellent communication skills with a commitment to engage in a high quality undergraduate and graduate education in areas of biomedical engineering. Fellows can supervise research students (BTech/MTech/MSc/PhD). Successful candidates are expected to participate in expanding the current academic program of BSBE, specifically to establish a Postgraduate and Undergraduate program in Biomedical Engineering.

The tenure of the appointment will be fixed in line with the term of the fellowship awarding agency but in no circumstances more than five years. To apply, please send a cover letter, a CV with list of publications, and a research statements to Pa To DOFA ( ) (with a cc to, in pdf format.

Review of applications will begin soon and would continue on a rolling basis.

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