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Career for Assistant Professors (pharmacy) at Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Clinical research courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (MSU) invites ‘Online applications’ for the posts of Temporary Assistant Professors and various other Teaching posts in different Departments of Faculties/ Colleges/ Institutions that are to be filled for academic year 2016-2017 purely on temporary basis.

Post: Assistant Professors

The posts of Temporary Assistant Professors and various other Teaching posts in different Departments of Faculties / Colleges / Institutions of this University are to be filled up purely on Temporary basis in various Faculties / Colleges / Institutions for Academic year 2016-2017.

Faculty of Pharmacy:
(68) Pharmacy

Important Points:
(i) The candidate shall be required to apply online on or before 30/4/2016 at:
(ii) The hard copy of the system generated form, along with required enclosures and supporting relevant documents need to be submitted by the applicant to the office of the concerned “Dean” of the Faculties (OR) Principals of the Colleges (OR) Heads of Institutions, at the time of Personal interview if the candidate is called for the personal interview.
(iii) Candidates applying for the post of Temporary Assistant Professor / Temporary Lecturer on fixed consolidated pay of Rs.25000/- per month, must fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria as specified in UGC Regulations vide Notification No. F-3-1/2009 dated 30/6/2010 and AICTE Notification No. 37-3/legal/2010 dated 5/3/2010 and amendments therein if any, for the post of Assistant Professor/Lecturer or equivalent positions.
(iv) In the absence of availability of required number of eligible candidates (not fulfilling the eligibility criteria as specified in para iii) or if the post is lying vacant because of non availability of suitable candidate, the University may consider to appoint a Temporary Teaching Assistant on a fixed consolidated pay of Rs. 20,000/- per month. Such Temporary Teaching Assistant must possess minimum of one academic year of continuous teaching experience or one year of Industry/ Professional experience.
(v) The candidate shall be required to fulfill minimum educational qualifications and experience for the appointment of Temporary Assistant Professors and various other Teaching posts in different Departments of Faculties / Colleges /Institutions of this University as on the last date for submission of online application that is 30/4/2016.
(vi) The online application form fee is fixed as of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 125 for SC/ST Candidates) that shall require to be paid online only. This amount shall not be accepted in cash, money order, demand draft and postal order or through any other financial instrument except online payment. The aforesaid application fee is non-refundable and no enquiries will be entertained in this regard by the University.
(vii) The University reserves the right to postpone or to fill in the less number of Posts at their discretion depending upon the requirement of the University at that point of time.
(viii) The decision of the competent authority shall be final.
(ix) The last date for submission of online application is 30/4/2016.
(x) The candidates shall be required to appear in the personal interview at his/her own expense.

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