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Vacancies for Lecturers - Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry in NIPER

Clinical research courses

The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) has been created as a centre of excellence for higher education, research and development in pharmaceutical sciences. NIPER, Rae Bareli at ITI campus, Rae Bareli under the mentor Institute of CSIR - Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow invites eligible candidates for following positions on purely temporary basis on contract initially for a period of 1 year which can be extended further. The selected candidates shall have no claim for regularization against any regular post either in NIPER or CDRI.

Post: Lecturer

Lecturer (Medicinal Chemistry)
No.of post: 2 (Two) positions (1- UR, 1-ST),
Emolument between Rs.45,000/- to Rs.60,000/- pm (Consolidated) based on their qualification and teaching experience.
Age Limit: up to 62 years
Essential Qualifications & Experience: M.Pharm OR MS. (Pharm) Medicinal Chemistry with at least 60% marks and 3 years Research experience and / or Teaching post graduate courses OR M. Sc with PhD in Synthetic Organic / Medicinal Chemistry.
Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Medicinal Chemistry).

Lecturer (Pharmaceutics)
No.of post: 3 (Three) positions (2- UR, 1-OBC), Emolument between Rs.45,000/- to Rs.60,000/- pm (Consolidated) based on their qualification and teaching experience.
Age Limit: up to 62 years
Essential qualifications & Experience: M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) OR MS (Pharm.) Pharmaceutics with at least 60 % marks and 3 years research experience and/ or teaching post graduate courses.
Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Pharmaceutics).

Lecturer (Pharmacology & Toxicology)
No.of post: 2 (Two) positions (1- UR, 1-SC)
Emolument between Rs.45,000/= to Rs.60,000/= pm (Consolidated) based on their qualification and teaching experience.
Age Limit: up to 62 years.
Essential qualifications & Experience: M.Pharm (Pharmacology)/ MS. Pharm (Pharmacology & Toxicology) with at least 60 % marks with 3 years experience in research and/ or teaching post graduate courses OR MSc with PhD in relevant area.
Job Requirements: Teaching & practical classes of MS. Pharm (Pharmacology & Toxicology) at NIPER, Raebareli.

Shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview.
1. Eligible and Interested candidates are requested to apply with a duly filled in application along with attested copies of mark sheets / certificates etc. and a recent passport size photograph on or before 30.04.2015 and addressed to “The Director, CSIR- Central Drug Research Institute, B.S.10/1, Sector – 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow - 226 031”. All the attested copies of mark sheets / certificates etc shall be produced at the time of interview.
2. The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed the Advertisement No., Name of the Position and Position Sr. No.
3. Incomplete applications for the positions of Lecturer (Medicinal Chemistry), Lecturer (Pharmaceutics), Lecturer (Pharmacology & Toxicology) and those received after due date and also such of the applications which are not supported with attested copies of certificates, mark sheets, caste certificates on the prescribed form issued by the specified authority and unsigned applications are liable to be rejected.
4. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience will not vest a right to the candidates for being called for Interview. This Institutes reserves the right to short-list the candidates for calling for Interview on the basis of Screening of applications.

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General Instructions:
1. Eligible candidates must bring with them a duly filled application form (which can be downloaded from website) along with all original documents as well as self attested copies of certificates of examinations starting from matriculation, date of birth, caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/OBC), experience certificate, if any and recent passport size photograph etc, otherwise they will not be entertained.
2. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC/Women (widow & Judicially separated), PWD and Ex-Servicemen candidates as per GoI rules.
3. The date for determination of age, qualification and experience shall be the closing date of submission of application.
4. Appointment of appointee shall end on completion of 65 years of age without any notice of termination of appointment.
5. No TA / DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
6. Number of position(s) may vary at the time of selection.
7. The Institute reserves the right to withdraw advertised post(s) at any time without assigning any reason. Institute also reserves the right to fill or not to fill the post(s) and its decision in this regard shall be final.
8. Experience will be considered only after acquiring the essential qualification.
9. Only those candidates who are fulfill the criteria will be allowed to appear for the interview.
10. Original documents are essential for verification of the particulars quoted by the candidate in the application form and candidate failed to produce original documents at the time of verification, shall not be allowed to attend the interview. Any request for relaxation in this regard shall not be entertained.

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