Walk- in- interview for the following position purely on contractual basis under the Externally funded projects will be held on 10th April, 2015 at 09:00 AM onwards in the Board Room of FRI main building, P.O. New Forest, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun -248006. The interested and eligible candidates must bring the copy of bio-data along with recent passport size photograph, attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents for submission to the office of Research & Coordination Section, P.O. New Forest, FRI, Dehradun (Uttarakhand). Candidates are requested to report at 9.00 A.M. No separate letter will be issued for attending the interview.
Post: Junior Research Fellow (01 No.)
Name of project: Evaluation of antifungal properties and chemical characterization of active principle (s) of Berberis aristata D.C. collected from different provenances of Himachal Pradesh PI: Dr. Rashmi, Scientist –D, Chemistry Division
Qualification: Essential: 1st class M.Sc. in (Organic Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Natural Product chemistry).
Desirable: Candidate having experience of one year working in a chemistry laboratory will be preferred.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000 + 20% HRA pm.
Stipend and Tenure: Tenure will be initially for one year or up to project completion period whichever is earlier and may be extended as per ICFRE rules.
Age: Upper age limit is 28 years for JRF, which is relaxable up to 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST, Women, Physically Handicapped and OBC.
General Condition: Award of the fellowship is governed by the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education rules and does not guarantee subsequent employment in any Institute under the council. No TA/DA will be permissible for attending the interview.
Forest Research Institute
(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education)
Adv./ Notice/5-1/2015/RCS (Appointment) April.
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