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Recruitment of Pharmacist in Ordnance Equipment Factory - Govt. jobs | walk in

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Walk-in-Interview will be held as per date and time given against the name of post for hiring of medical professional at Ordnance Equipment Factory Hazratpur, Tundla (Firozabad - 283103).

Post : Pharmacist

No of Post : 02


(i) Passed 10+2 or equivalent with Science subjects from a recognized Institution.
(ii) Candidate should possess Certificate as Registered Pharmacist having passed two years diploma course with three months training in Pharmacy from an Institution recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India.

Desirable: Should have working knowledge of Computers

Candidates fulfilling the requisite qualification may appear for the interview alongwith original certificates of their qualification, proof of date of birth. Candidates appearing for the post of Pharmacist and Medical Assistant should bring Character Certificate from 02 Gazetted Officers from Central/State Government.

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General Terms & Conditions
1. This contract/agreement shall be entered into for 06 months or less from the date of entering into contract/agreement. Period of hiring is not extendable on any grounds. The contract will be signed between the hired professional and MO I/C as per terms and conditions laid down by OFB.
2. The full-time Hired Pharmacist/Medical Assistant who enters into agreement with the factory will not have any claim or right for continuity in service or automatic extension of contract/agreement.
3. During the validity of the agreement the Hired Pharmacist /Medical Assistant will be at liberty to terminate the agreement for betterment of his/her career or any other grounds by giving 7 days notice to the factory. The factory can also terminate the agreement at any time during the tenure by giving 7 days notice without assigning any reasons what so ever. Agreement shall also be terminated, if the Hired Personnel is found to be mentally or physically incapacitated or in capable of discharging stipulated duties.
4. As far as qualifications of Pharmacist is concerned, candidate should passed 10+2 or equivalent with Science subjects from a recognized Institution and should possess Certificate as Registered Pharmacist having passed two years diploma course with three months training in Pharmacy from an Institution recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India and in case of Medical Assistant for Non-Ex-Service Persons Passed 10+2 or equivalent examination. Undergone a course of Instructions in First-aid from a recognized Institution/St. John’s Ambulance. Knowledge of First-aid. Knowledge of Operation Theatre and sterilization procedure. For Ex-Service Persons, Worked as Nursing Assistant in the Armed Forces after passing qualifying test of the Medical Corps.
5.  At the time of entering the Contract/agreement the Hired Personnel shall produce original certificates of qualification and proof of date of birth along with character certificates from two Gazetted Officers of the Central/State Government. The hired personnel shall undergo a medical examination at the factory Hospital before the contract is entered into, for his/her fitness to perform the work awarded to him.
6.  Normally Sundays and National Holiday (Republic Day, Independence Day & Gandhi Jayanti) shall be off. If they are called for work on these days they will be granted off in lieu of that day.
7.   The monthly fee for Hired Personnel will not be more than the minimum of the pay matrix +Transport Allowance) as per 7th CPC for the post. Quotations of Monthly fees will be asked from the Select Panel Candidates in sealed cover. The quotation will be accepted subject to the personnel fulfilling all other required criteria. In case of absence from the duties proportionate daily reduction is to be effected.
8. The Hired Personnel will not be provided with any transport arrangement. The Hired Personnel will not be entitled for any free medical treatment at OF Hospital except First Aid in case of Emergency.
9. The Hired Personnel shall attend to all the normal tasks which any Regular employee is conventionally doing including shift duties, escort duties to outstation etc. He/She will also attend emergencies/ disasters and accidents. The Hired personnel are required to wear proper uniform as prescribed by the MO I/C. Uniform is to be arranged by the hired personnel from his own resources.

Walk-in-Interview will be held in 03.10.2016 at 09.00 a.m. at Ordnance Equipment Factory Hazratpur, Tundla (Firozabad - 283103).

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