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Workshop and Hands - on -Training on Plant DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics of Medicinal Potential at Bose Institute

Clinical research courses

Nominations are sought from Heads of Institutions for names (maximum of 2 from each organization) of young faculty members / researchers for inclusion in a Workshop (including theoretical classes and hands-on-training) on Plant DNA Fingerprinting and Chemical Analysis of medicinal potential under the research programme on DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics of Medicinal Potential in Plants from Eastern and North Eastern India.

18th February – 4th March, 2014
At Bose Institute (Main Campus), Kolkata

1. Date / Duration of the Workshop: 18th February 2014 to 4th March 2014.
Venue: Bose Institute, Main Campus
93/1 APC Road, Kolkata – 700009

2. Essential qualification of participants: Ph.D / pursuing Ph.D in Biology
Desirable Qualification of Participants: Having experience in Plant Molecular Biology

3. Candidates are encouraged to bring 2 medicinal plants from their locality for studying a Workshop

4. Nominations should reach Bose Institute in prescribed format by 14th January, 2014 Selected candidates will be intimated by 17th January, 2014. Selected Candidates should send Registration fee (detailed below) through Bank Draft payable to REGISTRAR, BOSE INSTITUTE within 27th January 2014. (Scanned copy of the demand draft should be sent by email within 22nd January)

5. Travel arrangements from hometown to Bose Institute on 17th February, 2014 (for deposition of experimental plant material) will have to be made by the participant on their own

6. Registration Fee: Rs. 5000/- This will include
* lodging in guest house
* breakfast, lunch and dinner during the period 18th February 2014 to 4th March 2014..
* local transportation from the guesthouse to the venue of the workshop and return each day

Nomination in this format to be sent to
Swati Sen-Mandi
Sr. Professor and ICMR Emeritus Medical Scientist
Division of Plant Biology
Bose Institute (Main Campus)
93/1 A.P.C.Road,


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