Therapeutic effectiveness of a drug depends upon the bioavailability and ultimately upon the solubility of drug molecules. Solubility is one of the important parameter to achieve desired concentration of drug in systemic circulation for pharmacological response to be shown. More than 40% of new candidates entering drug development pipeline fail because of non-optimal biopharmaceutical properties. Over the years, tools of drug discovery have caused a perceptible shift in biopharmaceutical properties. Poorly water-soluble drugs involve many difficulties in the development of pharmaceutical dosage forms for oral delivery systems due to their low bio-availability. Almost more than 90% drugs are orally administered. Drug absorption sufficient and reproducible bio-availability, pharmacokinetic profile of orally administered drug substances is highly dependent on solubility of that compound in aqueous medium. In this workshop, attempts would be made to discuss various novel techniques for solubility, dissolution and bioavailability enhancement of class II and IV drugs. Role of various types of nanoparticulate carriers would be discussed in detail. Participants can discuss and hear unique take-home examples, case studies and multiple formulation and preformulation strategies to assist in improving drug solubility and bioavailability, maximizing exposure, and reducing time-to-market on future drug products.
Learnings from the workshops would be:
1. Need for solubility and bioavailability enhancement
2. Role of Nanotechnology as a tool to enhance the solubility and bioavailability of water insoluble drugs
3. Pharmaceutical formulation development strategies: development of different nanocarriers and their role
4. Improving oral bioavailability for poorly water-soluble drug candidates
5. Solubility of crystalline drugs in polymers
6. Solubilisation approaches for parenteral routes of administration
7. Enhancement of mucosal permeability for poorly soluble / Bioavailable compounds
Nanotechnology being an emerging industry, game-changing strategies for making the poorly soluble drugs bioavailable and hence can be utilized to make the number of drugs commercially successful. This workshop would enable an effective learning environment for young researchers from industry and academia to understand various nanocarriers which can be developed to enhance the solubility and bioavailability of the poorly soluble drugs. The deliberations are proposed to touch upon the following aspects:
- Facilitating knowledge sharing amongst participants to promote innovation
- Identifying the additional technological needs for developing nanotechnological processes and products
- Extending manpower training for the young researchers from start-up companies, industries, research scholar and young faculty from various academic institutions.
- Identifying suitable nanomaterials based on the properties of the drugs and applications
- Exploring the physiochemical properties of nanomaterials
Anticipated Participation
- Industry
- Academia / research institutes
- Research Students
- Faculty
Registration Fees:
CII Member: INR 600/-
CII Non-Member: INR 750 /-
(Industry / academic / students)
Mode of payment: DD / Cheque / Cash
• DD / cheque should be drawn in favor of “Confederation of Indian Industry” payable at Ahmedabad.
Venue: CII House, Ahmedabad
Date: 10th October 2014
Time: 9:30 – 17:00 Hours
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