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6th National Symposium cum Workshop on Recent Trends in Structural Bioinformatics and Computer Aided Drug Design [SBCADD-2014] at Alagappa University

Clinical research courses

Alagappa University was founded by the great philanthropist and educationist Padma Bhushan Dr. R.M. Alagappa Chettiar in 1985 at Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India. Alagappa University is recognized by the UGC, Government of India and was accredited with “A” grade by NAAC. Wide shredded 440 acres green campus with all potential academic activities. The post graduate and research departments in Scicnce, Humanities and other disciplines in the Alagappa University offer more novel and innovative programmes through regular, distance & c-leaming mode. Alagappa University educates nearly 0.1 million students every year especially in the rural and backward areas of Tamil Nadu. The motto of Alagappa University is to develop leadership in various disciplines through ’’EXCELLENCE INACTION”.

The SBCADD'2014 brings together researchers from all over the India to strengthen the connections in all fields of Bioinformatics. The exchange will focus on progressive advances in the field of Structural Bioinformatics and Molecular Modeling. New challenges are emerging today in these fields with the reccnt advances. Nonetheless, more different strategies and protocols are still required to improve computing with massive biological and biomedical data. The Symposium is being organized from 18th to 21st February 2014. The four day event will feature key note lectures, poster presentation and workshop for number of scientists and academicians dealing with basic science and translational research. Participation at SBCADD'2014 will be the prime opportunity to keep pace with the cutting-cdge research in such exciting topics and to network with other members of our community. We cordially invite you to submit your paper, poster and participate in symposium cum workshop.

• Small and Macromolecule X-ray Crystallography
• Molecular Modeling and Pharmacoinformatics
• QM/MM Calculation
• Pharmacophore and ADME/T Prediction
• Free Energy Calculation Methods
• De Novo Drug Design
• Molecular Dynamics Simulation
• Drug-Protein Interaction
• Functional Genomics and Proteomics
• Pharmacogenomics
• Database Creation and Development
• Structural Bioinformatics

Students, Research Scholars, Research Scientists and Faculty members from the Universities, Colleges, Institutes and Industries are eligible.

The prospective participants are requested to submit abstracts and full length papers on the theme of the symposium to the Organizing Secretary on or before January 10th, 2014 (for abstracts) and January 20th, 2014 (for papers). Selected papers will be published as special issue in ’’International Journal for Computational Biology”. The abstracts and papers should be sent to in specified format.

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Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh
Organizing Secretary-SBCADD'2014 Department of Bioinformatics
4th Floor, Science Block, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630004, Tamil Nadu, India

Vice-Chancellor, Alagappa University

Prof. S. Karutha Pandian
Chairperson, School of Biological Sciences.

Dr. J. Jeyakanthan
Professor and Head, Department of Bioinformatics

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh
Associate Professor, Department of Bioinformatics

Dr. P. Srinivasan
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics
Dr. M. Karthikeyan
Assistant Professor, Department of Bioinformatics

The participants are requested to send the duly filled in registration form along with registration fee on or before January 10th, 2014. The demand draft should be drawn in favor of “The Organizing Secretary, SBCADD'2014” payable at Karaikudi.

Students: 1000
ResearchScholars: 1000
Faculties from Academic Institution: 1500
Faculties from Non-Academic Institution/ Industries: 2000

Request for accommodation should be sent to the Organizing secretary at the earliest. The expenses for accommodation and food will be met by participants. No TA/DA will be provided to the participants.

Venue: L.C.T.L. Palaniappa Chettiar Memorial Auditorium & Department of Bioinformatics


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