About Abhilshi University:
Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk Mandi is established by the Government of Himachal Pradesh Establishment and Regulation Act 2014. Abhilashi University is government recognized university with a right to confer degree as per section 2(f) and 22 of the UGC act 1956. The campus of university is located at Chail Chowk near Mandi, (H.P.) and surrounded by lush green fields, pine and oak forests thus become an ideal place for study with a clean health-oriented environment. The aforesaid was the forethought of the Abhilashi Education Society. There are a number of places worth visiting near by the university like Shikari Devi Temple, Jalpa Devi Temple, Murari Devi Temple, Nachan Valley, Kamrunag Temple, Jeeuni Valley, Janjehli Valley, Balh Valley, Sundernagar and Mandi town.
National Conference
May 11 & 12, 2016
About the School of Pharmacy:
School of Pharmacy was established in 2014, and is aimed to provide the growth and development of Pharmacy education in Himachal Pradesh. School of Pharmacy is designed to be the centre of excellence of pharmaceutical sciences in Himachal Pradesh. The School provides the knowledge, skill and confidence among students to serve society while achieving personal and professional success. Graduates become leaders in their profession and in their community. The mission of this department is to educate and train students in the knowledge and practice of pharmaceutical sciences so that those who emerge serve as a valuable resource for industry, academia and over all for the society. The vision of department is to provide world class infrastructure and facilities so as to become a premiere institute of pharmaceutical education in India. The School has Wi-Fi, campus,LCD projectors, Various International and National Journals. The School has modern laboratories with all required facilities, and a herbal garden with good collection of medicinal plants.
Objectives of Conference:
- To serve as a common platform for students, scholars & professionals to explore their potential.
- To establish, maintain and spread out a network of Pharmacy professionals.
- Worldwide current research methodologies will especially be discussed.
- To provide student an exposure to International Pharmacy scenario.
- Generation and discussion of multidisciplinary research based idea.
- An initiative to advance the status of Pharmacy profession.
Who should Attend:
Students, research scholars and working professionals from Pharmacy, Ayurveda, Medical, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Clinical Research, Chemistry, Allied Health Care and organization from all over the country.
Posters are invited for the following sections:
Pharmaceutics: Pharmaceutics , Biopharmaceutics and Hospital Pharmacy.
Pharmacology: Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacy.
Pharma Chemistry: Pharmaceutical chemistry, Analysis.
Pharmacognosy: Pharmacognosy , Phytochemistry and Ayurveda.
Others: Medical, Biotechnology, Microbiology,Clinical Research,Allied Health etc.
Resource Persons:
The professional legends with eminent personality from academia, industry and research will address the audience during the conference.
Call for Abstracts:
Participants are invited to present poster on relevant areas. The abstract should be written in English, Times New Roman, 12 font size (not exceeding 250 words). The corresponding authors are requested to submit their abstract only by e-mail to conferenceau@gmail.com, mentioning the paper title, author name along with co author name including all the contact details (organization, mailing address, e-mail and contact no.) on or before 8th May 2016.The information about acceptance
Date of conference: 11th & 12th May, 2016
Deadline for abstract submission: 8th May, 2016
Intimation of acceptance of abstract: 9th May, 2016
Deadline for registration: 8th May, 2016
Mr. Atul Kabra Assistant Professor School of Pharmacy,
Abhilashi University, Chail Chowk, Teh. Chachiot,Distt. Mandi,
H.P. Contact no. 09817562157, 9459677077
e-mail: atul.kbr@gmail.com &