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International Training Programme on Safeguarding Quality of Medicines in Resource Limited at IIHMR University

Clinical research courses



Safeguarding Quality of Medicines in Resource Limited


SEPT 19-23, 2016



The IIHMR University, Jaipur is an institution dedicated to improvement in standards of health through better management of health care and related programmes. It seeks to accomplish this through management education, training, research, consultation and institutional networking in a national and global perspective. IIHMR has been designated as WHO Collaborating Center for District Health Systems based on Primary Health Care. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has identified the IIHMR as an Institute of Excellence for training and capacity building.

Quality medicines are a major driver of attainment of health outcome both at the individual as well as at the regional and national level healthcare systems. Over the years the increased incidences of substandard, spurious, falsely labeled, falsified, or counterfeit medicines has become a matter of concern for the national regulatory authorities, international organizations and health programme implementers. The prevalence of poor quality medicines has serious consequences manifested by several unwanted outcomes such as increased morbidity, treatment failures, and increased incidences of antimicrobial resistance, which ultimately leads to diminished confidence of the people in the public health services. 
Protecting the public from the menace of poor quality medicines requires the presence of a robust mechanism and is a challenging and daunting task especially in the resource limited counties.
Lack of well established systems for addressing quality issues related to medicines may lead to non attainment of the healthcare goals and objectives; therefore, ensuring the quality of medicines becomes more important especially in context to the resource limited countries. Although many international forums have offered guidance to tackle the problem of poor quality medicines but many countries are struggling with the issue of effectively implementing the quality guidelines. This training program is intended to assist the countries with limited recourses to develop a framework which could ensure access to quality medicines.

The Specific objectives of the program are:-

• To provide technical guidance for establishing a robust quality assurance framework for ensuring good quality of medicines  in spite of  limited human and financial resources 
• To comprehend key concepts and principles pertaining to quality of medicines  
• To Underline the key issues and challenges affecting the quality of medicines in the existing healthcare systems and identifying the ways to mitigate the quality issues


  • Significance of quality assurance & quality control activities in ensuring quality of medicines  (Examples and case studies related to HIV, TB, Malaria, Antibiotic, Reproductive health commodities will be discussed) 
  • Three-tier testing approach-a cost effective approach to medicines quality monitoring 
  • Combating substandard & counterfeit medicines
  • Non invasive techniques and rapid detection techniques for determining drug quality
  • Maintaining product quality throughout the supply chain (special emphasis on Procurement, storage and distribution aspects )
  •  Importance of national medicine policy 
  • Complying with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in resource limited countries
  • WHO prequalification program
  • Role of Medicine Regulatory Authorities and Pharmacovigilance framework 
  • Ensuring quality of the donated medicines


  1. Personnel working in health programmes, health organizations , or national health system in the area of quality assurance of medicines    

  2. Government officials involved in national medicine regulatory bodies, policy making and national disease programs      

  3. Pharmacists, Medicine prescribers and dispensers, Clinical pharmacologists, Researchers, Chemists, Microbiologists,  academicians working in public health programs and industry

  4. Manufacturers, Importers and distributors  of pharmaceutical products    

  5. Procurement and supply chain professionals working in procurement, warehousing, and distribution of medicines      

  6. Donors, Nongovernmental organizations, and international humanitarian program implementers       

  7. Physicians and healthcare professionals from HIV, TB, Malaria areas


TRAINING APPROACH:- The programme will use a mix of lecture by resource persons to introduce the lead concept and will encourage active interaction by the participants through classroom discussions, group work and presentations. The course will be conducted in English. 

Dr. Saurabh Kumar, M.Pharm, Ph.D, MBA 
Assistant Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Management 
IIHMR University, Jaipur, India

The program is of one week duration. The programme will start in the morning of Monday, 19th September 2016 and will conclude at afternoon on Friday, 23rd September 2016. The programme is scheduled to be held at IIHMR University, Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur, India

CERTIFICATION A certificate of participation on completion of the programme will be issued by IIHMR University, Jaipur.

•    For Indian participants    : Rs 35,000 plus Service Tax 
•    For Foreign participants    : USD 780 plus Service Tax  
The fees covers tuition fees, training material, stay in air-conditioning room (twin-sharing basis), breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea/coffee during the program and pick-up and drop from Jaipur airport/railway station/bus stand. For accommodation on single occupancy basis USD 20 per day will be charged extra. Welcome dinner and short-trip to historical and cultural importance places in Jaipur would be offered by the University in honour of the participants. Participants would be encouraged to use library facilities. Round the clock internet facility (Wi-Fi) is available for the participants.

Early Bird Discount: Nominations received with payments on before 4-weeks (19th August 2016) will be entitled to an early bird discount of 10%.
Group Discount: Any organization sponsoring four or more participants to the program will be entitled for a discount of 20% on the total fee payable provided that at least four participants actually attend the program.
Maximum Discount: Organization can avail themselves of both the discount subject to maximum discount of 20%. 
To deposit program fee, bank details would be provided on request, or you may be deposit the fee through Demand Draft in favor of “Institute of Health Management Research”, payable at Jaipur.

Nomination form duly filled-in along with the demand draft made in favor of “Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur” payable at Jaipur should reach the Programme Officer, Training at the following address:

Programme Officer
The IIHMR University
1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Sanganer Airport
Jaipur - 302 029, INDIA

Application form>>