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Seminar on Pharmacovigilance and Herbal Therapeutics at Kasegaon Education Societys, Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy

Clinical research courses

About the College
Rajarambapu College of Pharmacy is a pioneer college catering pharmacy educational needs of the students and society. The college is conducting D. Pharm, B. Pharm and M. Pharm courses (Pharmaceutics, Quality Assurance and Pharmaceutical Chemistry) and Ph D. The college has qualified and experienced staff, well developed library & spacious laboratories. The RCP is approved by DTE, AICTE and PCI. The college is recognized by UGC under 2(f) and 12(b) and permanently affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

ICMR, New Delhi Sponsored


Date; 26-27th Aug,2016
About Parent Society
The Kasegaon Education Society, Kasegaon is one of the leading educational organizations in Western Maharashtra established in 1945 by the leading statesman Late Shri. Rajarambapu Patil. After the untimely and sad demise of Shri Rajarambapu Patil in 1984, his son Hon. Shri. Jayant Patil, Minister of Rural Development of Maharashtra, who alike his father entered public life through educational activities. He shouldered the responsibility of Kasegaon Education society. Hon. Jayant Patil took the society with time, diversifying its educational facilities. Currently the Society runs 31 primary and secondary schools and 11 higher educational institutions. The society has been conferred with prestigious awards like ‘Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Dalitmitra Sanstha Puraskar’, ‘State Award for Educational Institute’. Certification of appreciation has also been awarded to the society by C-DAC and MKCL for its exemplary contribution towards computer literacy.

Objectives of the event
•To update the teachers, graduates and post graduate students of medicine/pharmacognosy/Quality Assurance/Pharmacology/Clinical trials /Pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical chemistry.
•  Building and maintaining a robust pharmacovigilance system.
•Making pharmacovigilance reporting mandatory and introducing pharmacovigilance inspections.
•  High-level discussions with various stakeholders.
•Strengthen with trained scientific and medical assessors for pharmacovigilance.
•  Education and training of medical students, pharmacists and nurses in the area of pharmacovigilance.
• Collaborating with pharmacovigilance organizations in enhancing drug safety with advancements in information technology, there has been the emergence of new opportunities for national and international collaborations that can enhance postmarking surveillance programs and increase drug safety.
•  Building a network of pharmacovigilance with respect to herbal medicines in India.

The proposed Seminar would provide a platform for live discussion on newer trends in Pharmacovigilance in Indian regulatory system. We aim to bring experts from the spectrum of backgrounds for exchange of ideas and experiences and networking. With more and more clinical trials and other clinical research activities being conducted in India, there is an immense need to understand the importance of pharmacovigilance and how it impacts the life cycle of the product. By considering the problems and challenges facing the development of a robust pharmacovigilance system for India, it is must to have an interactive session between pharma students, teachers, industrialists, experts from Pharma professionals.

Call for Presentation
Model and research paper poster presentation are invited on following topics
•    Drug Discovery, QSAR and Molecular Modeling
•    Pharmaceutical Technology
•    Pharmacology, Drug Screening & Clinical Research
•    Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacogenomics
•    Herbal Formulations & Phytochemistry
•    Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Assurance
•   Pharmaceutical Education The details of model presentation (01 page) should be sent through e-mail- rahul. cology@gmail. com, atulrchopade@gmail. com










Model presentations are invited on following topics
•    Drug Discovery, QSAR and Molecular Modeling
•    Pharmaceutical Technology
•    Pharmacology, Drug Screening & clinical Research,
•    Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacogenomics
•    Qulity Assurance in Herbal formulations & Phytochemistry
•  Pharmaceutical Analysis & Qualitiy Assurance. The details of model presentation (one pase) should be sent to before 25th Aug 2016

Organized by
KASEGAON Tal. Walwa, Dist. Sangli 415 404