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Clinical Trial Supply Europe 2017



Clinical research courses

Each year, over 10,000 business executives from Fortune 1000 companies attend over 80 Arena International events worldwide, addressed by over 1,700 industry leaders delivering leading edge content and discussion. We identify the pioneering case studies, innovative solutions and up-to-the-minute discussion topics that comprise programmes of wholly unbiased integrity.

The much anticipated Clinical Trial Supply Europe conference is back! The 17th annual edition will be held once again in Barcelona on 15th-16th of March

Developing best practices and incorporating novel technologies to meet the demands of more complex, international clinical trial supply chains  Following the overwhelming success of our 2016 event, Clinical Trial Supply Europe is returning to Barcelona for its 17th year. March 2017 will see the flagship CTS event offering two streams of top speakers to assist you in overcoming your persistent clinical supply challenges. Offering operational and technological specific sessions throughout the two day event, there truly is something for everyone at CTS.

What's New for 2017
Due to popular demand, the Technology Stream will be returning for 2017, with a clear focus on the NEW trend for optimising technology use in the clinical supply chain
New and unique case studies delivered by AstraZeneca and GSK
Our roundtable sessions will have a brand new format, focusing on global regions and their challenges and to be followed by a speaker panel to ensure you take key ideas home


Key 2017 Topics
* Defining waste in clinical supply and developing strategies to optimise supply, drive efficiency and reduce waste
* Safeguarding your patient data while increasing your technology use for clinical trial supply management
* Investigating how technology and learning from other industries can impact on your clinical supply chain
* Managing 3rd party technology effectively through your vendor to increase reliability
* Balancing excitement surrounding innovation in clinical supply technology with needs and expectations of your sites and patients; how to get the balance right

Key 2017 Speakers
- Alex Robertson, Senior Director, Supply Chain Management, AstraZeneca
- Clive E Badman OBE, VP Pre-Competitive Activities, GSK
- Gary Cunnington, Global Head of Respiratory Clinical Supplies, Boehringer Ingelheim
- Janet Smith, Associate Director RTSM, Janssen
- Didier Basseras, VP Global Head Clinical Supply Chain Operations, Sanofi
- Henk Dieteren, Clinical Supply Logistics Expert, Associate Director, Grunenthal

Why should you join us?
We are bringing you a truly interactive agenda for 2017, with the chance to pick and choose the most relevant sessions for your specific needs. New topics for 2017 include 3d printing, clinical waste management, and adoption of Annex VI, as well new takes on the old favourites such as comparator sourcing, IRT, and forecasting.  Want to have your say on where resources are best allocated? Come join in the debate on where to prioritise funding. Tired of hearing the same old presentations on forecasting? Get involved in our interactive forecasting session to ensure you leave with key strategies and takeaways. Struggling with entering new, emerging global regions? Make the most of our interactive roundtable discussions and panel offering in-depth insight into specific, troubling territories.

Who should attend :
Primary delegates for this event are those with responsibility for clinical supply, logistics, quality assurance, manufacturing and distribution  in pharmaceutical,  biotech and medical device companies across Europe within the roles of:

From pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies across the Europe:

Senior Director/ Executive Director/ VP/ Head/ Director/ Manager:
Supply chain, Logistics/ Distribution, Regulatory Affairs, Quality (Management/ Assurance/ Control/ GCP/ GMP), Packaging & Labelling, Procurement, Strategy, Qualified Person, CMC, Monitoring



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