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ISPOR is the leading global professional society in Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Founded in 1995 as an international multidisciplinary professional membership society, the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) advances the policy, science, and practice of pharmacoeconomics (health economics) and outcomes research (the scientific discipline that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being including clinical, economic, and patient-centered outcomes) With a 20-year commitment to education, collaboration, and leadership, ISPOR meetings, published resources, and facilitated discussions have evolved as the leading resources for health economics and outcomes research. Moreover, as an unbiased organization of 9,500 individual and student members from 114 countries, and over 8,700 affiliate members from our Regional Chapters, ISPOR members represent the entire field including research, academia, decision and policy makers, consultants, payers, patient representative groups, and others. ISPOR is a non-profit 501(c) (3) public organization for educational and scientific purposes, as defined by the US IRS.

2nd International Conference on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research

Integrating Pharmacists in Healthcare Decision Making - A Resonate Patient Centric Therapy Initiative

21st & 22nd April 2017

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) - India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter:
The ISPOR India - Andhra Pradesh Chapter was approved and established on June 14, 2012, with head quarters at Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER) comprising of 300 members. The Chapter focuses on developing a new approach of Pharmacy practice education from a regular curriculum wise teaching to an actual healthcare orientation / health outcome based training to maintain and improve patient’s quality of life and adhere to rational use of medications. The branch adages constant and novel contribution towards the evidence based learning, teaching, practice and research in pharmacy profession with global standards

About the International Conference on PE & OR:
The 2nd International Conference on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (PE & OR) will provide a case by case best practices and guidelines to advance optimal pharmacist integration in healthcare decision making and also for collaborative practices with recognized members of healthcare team and generate a good understanding of pharmacy researchers, practitioners, graduates, students and academicians in healthcare decision and policy making for the improvement, maintenance and achievement of an overall success of clinical outcomes.


Call for Abstracts:
The 2nd International Conference on Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (PE &OR) takes immense pleasure in inviting abstracts of original research studies for poster/oral presentation in related disciplines of Clinical pharmacy and practice, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmacoepidemiology, Outcomes research, Health policy & systems, and Population health. Best presentations will be awarded.

Guidelines for abstract preparation (both oral and poster presentation):
*Prospective authors should submit the abstracts by 10 April 2017. The abstracts of the paper should be limited to 250 words including keywords with line spacing 1.5. Abstracts for poster/oral presentation competition shall be mailed to Corresponding author is to be marked with asterisk in superscript and complete address including Email ID should be provided. Title should be in upper case, bold Times New Roman. Accepted abstracts will be published in ISPOR RIPER-PDIC Bulletin (April Issue), for which a two page summary, as a separate attachment is compulsory and should be prepared in the following sequence: Introduction, Objectives, Experimental Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion and important references, Tables, figures and graphs may be included. Poster size is 0.95m X 1.2 m. Abstracts of good research work will be considered for Oral presentation, guidelines of oral presentations will be mailed to corresponding author after selection process.

Integrating Pharmacists in Healthcare Decision Making A Resonate Patient Centric Therapy Initiative

Venue and Date
Prof. K. Chinnaswamy A C Auditorium, Seven Hills College of Pharmacy, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 21st & 22nd April 2017

Category A - ISPOR India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter Members Rs 600
Category B Non ISPOR India Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter MembersRs 800
Category C : For both Members and Non members of ISPOR India Rs 1000
(spot registration)  Andhra Pradesh Regional Chapter Members Rs 1000
Accommodations : Per individual per day (first come first serve basis) Rs 200

Important Dates
Abstract submission (Last Date)
10 April 2017
Information on Selected Abstracts
15 April 2017
Early Bird Registration
15 April 2017



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