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1KMCH college of Pharmacy, Kovai Estate,
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The using of natural plants in treatment purposes are the nowadays most familiar than synthetic products because synthetic drugs can cause many of the side effects and the adverse effect. The Tecoma stansare one of the plants which are available in most of the tropical countries. In this plant is already used in the traditional medicine in some of the countries like India, Pakistan, etc., this plant belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae. This plant is having the many of the active chemical constituents and pharmacological effects. Many of the researchers are studied the pharmacological screening and the current research is going in that plant. The aim of this review was the updated research collections of this plant for its pharmacological screening. The review the  on various researchers like pharmacognostical study and the in vitro and in vivo screening of various parts of Tecoma stans.In this review was concluded that the various parts of the plants are having various pharmacological actions like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticancer cardio-protective effect, genotoxic, cytotoxicity, wound healing, anti‐hyperglycemic, protect CNS, gastric ulcer healing, antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-microbial, hemolytic activity, anti-lipoxygenase and acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitory activities. And this review was used to develop the future research on this plant.

Reference Id: PHARMATUTOR-ART-2555

PharmaTutor (Print-ISSN: 2394 - 6679; e-ISSN: 2347 - 7881)

Volume 6, Issue 1

Received On: 10/10/2017; Accepted On: 10/12/2017; Published On: 01/01/2018

How to cite this article: Kumar KG, Boopathi T; An Updated Overview on Pharmacognostical and Pharmacological Screening of Tecoma Stans; PharmaTutor; 2018; 6(1); 38-49;

The use of natural components for therapeutic properties is earliest as human evolution and, for a longtime, plant, mineral, and animal produces the main foundations of drugs. In current years, there has been increasing attention in alternative treatments and the healing use of natural products, particularly those derived from plant life. (Divyaet al., 2014, Boopathiet al., 2017, Sunitaet al., 2016) This attention in drugs of plant source is due to numerous explanations, namely, conventional medicine can be unsuccessful (e.g. side effects, adverse effects and ineffective therapy), offensiveor improper use of synthetic drugs result in side effects and other complications. The Indian sub-continent encompassing of the nation’s India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh is the site of one of the eldest evolutions, and it has seen the growth of many traditional healthcare methods. Their growth was maintained by the great biodiversity in plants and biota due to differences in geography and weather. The Bignoniaceae family including of about 110 types and 650 species is a family of flowering plants, normallyidentified as the Jacaranda family, Trumpet Creeper family, Bignonia family, or the Catalpa family. Plant species belonging to this family are disperseduniversal, but most of them occur in the tropical and sub-tropical countries. However, a number of moderate species also grow in North America and East Asia. Although the family is small, the Bignoniaceae plants are significant for their stated bio-active ingredients and diverse pharmacological activities. (Anburajet al., 2016, Rajuet al., 2011) Bignoniaceae family plants are also extensively used in traditional therapeutic systems of a number of kingdoms, where traditional and tribal medicinal practitioners use a number of species for an action of diverse illnesses.This review purpose is the pharmacognostical, phytochemical profiles and therapeutic potential of different parts of Tecoma stans.(Sunithaet al., 2016).

Description of Tecoma stans
Tecoma stansare the belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae that is having many synonyms and common names. Synonyms of Tecoma stansare, Bignonia stans,Stenolobium stans,Gelseminum stans, Kuntze Seem and Common names areYellow Bells, Yellow Trumpet Bush, Ginger-Thomas, Yellow Elderand Esperanza. This plant is the official flower for US Virgin Islands andhome flower of the Bahamas. Tecoma stanis a small tree, 5-8 m in height. The bark of the plant is pale brown to grey color; Leaves are conflicting, compound and imparipinnate with 2 to 5 pairs of leaflets and a greater single terminal leaflet.(Thirumalet al., 2013, Namdeet al., 2014) Leaflets are lanceolate, up to 10 cm long, with serrated borders, mid-green above and soft to the touch. At the ends of the divisions, flowers occur in clusters and are trumpet-shaped with 5 round lobes, 6 cmlengthy, pale to bright yellow, with faint orange stripes at the throat. Fruits are narrow, slightly flattened to pointy capsules, up to 20 cm long, comprising many aerial seeds; green when young, pale brown on maturing and remain on the tree in untidy clusters for many months.(Sarfarajet al., 2010).

In a pharmacognostical study, this plant is undergoing the various preliminary biochemical studies by various literatures. This plant is having the active phytoconstituents which are identified by the G Anburajet al. The preliminary phytochemicals like carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, Protein& Amino Acid, Tannins, Flavonoids, Saponins, Terpenoids, Fixed oil and fats and Gums and mucilage are the identified by using various phytochemical tests, this plant is showing the positive results of the various parts and the different extract having the different phytoconstituents.(Brahmamet al., 2015, Anburajet al., 2016) And the bio-active components are identified by the GC-MS study the results of this study is confirmed the following active constituents present in the Tecoma stansPropane, 1,1,3-Triethoxy- 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural, 1'-Hydroxy-4,3'-Dimethyl-bicycle, 9-Oxabicyclo[3.3.1]Nolan-2-One, 1,10-Decanediol, 1,2,3,4,7,7a-Hexahydro-2,4,7-Trimethyl-6H, Tropane, 2-Acetyl-2,3-Methylene-, 5-Undecanol, 2-Methyl, 6-Dodecanol, Silacyclopentane, 1,1-Dimethyl, Cyclobutanecarboxylic Acid, Decyl ester, Propanamide, 3-(1-Piperazinyl)-, Tetradecanoic Acid, Tetradecanoic Acid, Ethyl Ester, 2(4h)-Benzofuranone, 5,6,7,7atetr, L-(+)-Ascorbic Acid 2,6-Dihexadecanoate, Hexadecanoic Acid, Ethyl Ester, N-Nonadecanol-1, 9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid (Z,Z), Ethyl (9z,12z)-9,12-Octadecadien, Octadecanoic Acid, N-Propyl 9,12-Octadecadienoate, 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid, Ethyl Ester, Octadecanoic Acid, Ethyl Ester and Hexatriacontane. The GC-MS study is identified the compounds by the retention time and the molecular mass of the compounds.(Lakshmi et., 2013, Kamiliaet al., 2016).

Active constituents withmedicinal value of the Tecoma stans
- Tetradecanoic acid- Antioxidant, Lubricant, hypercholesterolemia, Cancer-preventive, Cosmetic
- Hexadecanoic Acid, Ethyl Ester- Antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, Antiandrogenic, hemolytic, Alpha-reductase inhibitor.(Govindappaet al., 2011, Sridharanet al., 2014)
- l-(+)-Ascorbic acid 2,6-dihexadecanoate-  Vitamin C, Antioxidant, Immunomodulator
- N-Nonadecanol-1- Anti-inflammatory, Hypocholesterolemic, Cancer preventive, Hepato-protective, Nematicide, Insectifuge Antihistaminic, Anti-arthritic, Anti-coronary, AntieczemicAntiacne, 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitor Antiandrogenic,
- 9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid (Z, Z)- Hypocholesterolemic, 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitor, Antihistaminic, Insectifuge, Anti-eczemic, Antiacne
- 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid, (Z, Z, Z)- Hypocholesterolemic, Nematicide Anti-arthritic, Hepatoprotective, Antiandrogenic, Nematicide 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitor, Antihistaminic, Anti-coronary, Insectifuge, Antieczemic, Anticancer
- Octadecanoic acid- Cosmetic, Flavor, Hypocholesterolemic, Lubricant, Perfumery, Propecia, Suppository

The Tecoma stansis having the many medicinal properties, the researchers are studied its medicinal properties by the in vitro and in vivo pharmacological evaluations. The current updates on the pharmacological screening are shown in the table.1 and table.2.

In vitro pharmacological screening of Tecoma stans
In vitrostudies are performedby using particularparts of an organism,for example cells, microorganismsor biological molecules. The in vitro studies of the Tecoma stansare the shown in the table.1.

Anti-Proliferative Activity
Cancer is an awful sickness which is more than 100 different types and is categorized by uneven proliferation of the cells which required multidimensional approach for its treatment, control, prevention and is a second leading cause of death worldwide.Breast cancer is one of the long-lastingailments which may familiarity by females (32.1%) throughout her lifetime and is most commonly identified cancer in them.(Indraet al., 2010) The in vitro antiproliferative activity of the various parts of the Tecoma stansis done in the Breast cancer- MCF-7 cell lines by MTT assay. The Stem,Root, Bark and flowers extracts showedsignificant anti-proliferative action on the cell lines (MCF-7) but extremeaction was found to be in extract stem bark of Tecomastans.

Antioxidant Activity
Free radicals are having one or more unpaired electrons produced in pathological cell metabolism. The commonly produced free radicals are hydroxyl, superoxide, peroxyl radicals. These are the radicals are produced by the oxidation process in the system. Antioxidants are the used to secure the human body from reactive oxygen species.Broadcast of numerous bioactive compounds from plants has leads to the detectionof new medicinal drug which have effective protection and treatment roles in against different diseases.(Shanmukhaet al., 2014) The antioxidant activity of the plant is evaluated by the FRAP assay and the APTS, DPPH radical assays. These are the assays are then compared with the standard antioxidant drugs like vitamin C, Vitamin E etc.

The microbial infections are the produces the many of the health problems in the world. The using of synthetic antimicrobial drugs and the antibiotics may produce the some of the adverse effects so that the using of plant source as the antimicrobial agents is important to healing of microbes. In the plant extracts are undergoes the antimicrobial assays by disc diffusion method and the agar medium and minimum inhibitory concentration, etc., in this method the positive and negative strains of organisms and fungal strains are used to the microbial growth and this is inhibited by the adding of the drugs the zone of inhibition was measured and compared with the standard and determination of the antimicrobial activity.

Hemolytic activity
Hemolysis is the process of damage cytoplasmic membrane andproducing cell lysis and death. The hemolytic activity is determined by the following procedure.Human blood of different groups (A, B, O) is collected from healthy volunteers in tubes containing heparin anticoagulant. And centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 3 minutes and the hRBCs were collected. The cells are washed with PBS solution repeated until the supernatant was colorless. The hemolytic assay was performed in a microwell plate. The PBS is filled in each well. Andwells added with ABCs. The serially diluted peptide solutions are added in the suitable wells. The hRBCs is used as negative control and hRBCs inTriton is used positive control. Then incubated for 1hour, the button formation of the wells is observed.(Amadet al., 2012)

Anti-Lipoxygenase activity
Anti-Lipoxygenase activities are studied by using enzyme-substrate complex concept. In this studylinoleic acid (substrate) and lipoxidase (enzyme). Test drugs aredissolved in borate buffer pH 9.0 and added lipoxidase enzyme solution and incubated for 5 min at 250C. After incubation added with the linoleic acid solution, mixed well and absorbance was measured. (Kameshwaranet al., 2014)Standard drug indomethacin was used.A dose-response curve was designed to decidethe IC50 values.



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Xanthine oxidase assay
Xanthine oxidase is the one of enzyme generates the reactive oxygen species. These are the xanthine oxidase are inhibited by some of the drugs and the determination of the inhibitory action of xanthine oxidase by xanthine oxidase assay. This assay was performed by the following procedure. Xanthine oxidase assay was evaluatedspectrophotometrically. In this study the mixture of xanthine, xanthine oxidase and extract with phosphate buffer are incubated in a cuvette. The activity enzyme was articulated as the increase in absorption at 300 nm per unit time.

Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory activity
A cholinesterase or choline esterase is the enzymes which hydrolysis the acetylcholine to choline and acetate. These are the enzymes are inhibited by the choline esterase inhibitors, the acetylcholine enzyme inhibitors activity was performed by the following method. The AChEinhibitory assay was performed by the following procedure. The mixing of Tris-HCl, BSA buffer, extractsliquefied in buffer-methanol andAcetyl-cholinesterase.(Govindappaet al., 2011) The above mixture was then incubated at room temperature for 2 min before the added with DTNB (5,5 Vdithiobis [2-nitrobenzoic acid], substrate acetylthiocholine iodide (ATCI). The development of yellow color was measured at 405 nm after 4 min.


Part of the plant

Type of extract


Main materials

Evaluation parameters



Anti-Proliferative Activity

root, stem bark and flowers

ethanol (60°C) by using a Soxhlet apparatus

MTT Assay

Breast cancer- MCF-7 cell lines,

Fetal bovine serum (FBS), penicillin (100 U/ml), and streptomycin

Cell viability (%),

Cell death (%)

Thirumalet al., 2013


Antioxidant Activity



ethanol, ethyl acetate, and water

DPPH radical

scavenging activity

2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH),

ascorbic acid

% scavenging activity

Minal Wani et al., 2014


Antimicrobial and antioxidant


Hydro-distillation in a Clevenger apparatus

Disc diffusion method,

The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC),

DPPH radical

scavenging activity

Two-gram +ve bacteria and two gram –ve bacteria,

Fungi, Amphotericin B.

DPPH, vitamin E

the diameter of zones of inhibition,

% scavenging activity

Kamiliaet al.,2016


Antimicrobial, Antioxidant


ethanol, methanol, and water

Paper disc method,

FRAP assay,

DDPH radical assay

Two Gram

positive bacteria, six Gram-negative





FRAP reagents,DPPH,

L-ascorbic acid

and BHT

Diameter of zone of inhibition,

% scavenging activity


Govindappa et al., 2011


Antifungal and hemolytic activities


chloroform and 70% ethanol

Drop diffusion method,

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration method,

Hemolytic Test




zone of inhibition


Ramesh et al., 2009


Anti-Inflammatory, Lipoxygenase, Xanthine

Oxidase And Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory


ethanol, methanol, and water

Alpha-reductase of albumin denaturation,

Membrane stabilization test,Xanthine oxidase assay


the lipoxidase enzyme,

xanthine oxidase,


Acetyl-thiocholine iodide

Percentage inhibitory activities,

Govindappaet al., 2011




Methanol, water,

Petroleum ether, Chloroform

Anti-Feedant Properties,

Repellant Action

maize weevil,

Beans weevil,


Percentage mortality rate

Tas et al., 2015




water, ethanol, methanol

Paper disc method

bacteria and fungi,



Zone of inhibition (in mm)

Kottaiet al., 2012





Agar cup plate method



Zone of inhibition

Ramesh et al., 2009




acetone, ethanol, chloroform, Diethyl ether and ethyl acetate

single disc diffusion method


Zone of inhibition

Subalakshmiet al., 2017




Ethanol, petroleum ether

agar diffusion method

Bacterial and fungal strain,


Zone of inhibition

Boopathi et al., 2017


Antioxidant And Antimicrobial



DPPH radical scavenging assay,

β –carotene bleaching assay,

Reducing power assay,

agar-well diffusion method.

β-carotene-linoleic acid,



ferrocyanide, ferric chloride,

bacterial and fungal strain

Scavenging effect (%),

Zone of inhibition

Rajamuruganet al., 2013




Ethanol, water

Disc diffusion method

Bacterial and fungal strain



Zone of inhibition

Anburaj et al., 2016


antibacterial activity




bacterial strains,



Zone of Inhibition (mm)

Sundaset al., 2016





ethanol, and methanol

FRAP assay, DPPH activity

FRAP reagents,


L-ascorbic acid and BHT

Scavenging effect (%),

Kottai Muthuet al., 2012





agar disc

diffusion method

Bacterial strains

Zone of inhibition (mm)

Senthilkumar et al., 2010

In vivo pharmacological screening of Tecoma stans
In vivo are the effects of various drugs are tested on whole, living organisms or cells, generally animals, including humans, and plants. The in vivo studies of the Tecoma stansare shown in Table.2.

Anti-inflammatory Activity
Inflammation is formed by the tissue reaction to infection, foreign substances or irritation. The inflammation process is important in the healing of wounds. Several mechanisms are involved in the inflammatory reactions such as the release of histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins. The anti-inflammatory drugs are the used to prevent the inflammation.(Gharibet al., 2007, Daset al., 2010) These are the anti-inflammatory drugs are screened by the in vivo animal models and determination of the activity of the drug by the comparison with the standard and control groups.

Central Analgesic Activity
Pain is the symptom of numerous illnesses needful action with analgesics. The analgesic activity is the relives the pain symptom. These are the drugs are then screened by the in vivo animal models like HAFFNER’s tail clip method in mice, Tail flick or other radiant heat methods, Tail immersion tests, Hotplate methods in mice or rats, Electrical stimulation, Monkey shock titration and Formalin test in rats.(Mohamedet al., 2016)

The cancer cells are the having the properties of Uncontrolled growth, tissue invasion, and distinct metastasis. The Chemotherapy is used for the treatment of cancer, but they are greatly toxic, and the negligible quantity of injected drug only can reach the cancerous tissue, may damage the normal system particularly bone marrow, epithelial tissue, reticuloendothelial system, and gonads. Now a day the plant medicine is the used to the treatment of cancer, the Tecoma stansare having the anti-cancer activity and which is evaluated by the WETS on survival time in the animal model.

Cardio-protective effect
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause death in many countries. Myocardial infarction is the imbalance oxygen supply to the myocardiumfollowed by the development of myocardial necrosis. The increased the toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as O2-, H2O2, OH- etc. exerts simple oxidative pressure on myocardium prompting to CVD, for example, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, congestive heart. The Tecoma stansare having the cardioprotective effect which is screened by the animal model and estimation of the antioxidant activities of the myocardium.

Genotoxic study
Genotoxicity is the property of chemical substances that damage the genetic information within a cell causing mutations, lead to cancer. All mutagens are genotoxic, but not all the genotoxic substances are mutagenic. The Tecoma stansplant is undergoing the genotoxic study and shown in table.2.

Cytotoxicity study
Cytotoxicity is toxic to cells.The cytotoxicity of Tecoma stansin human hepatoblastoma was determined by incubating the cells up to 72-hours and changing with concentrations of herbal extracts. Toxic effects of Tecoma stanswere originated to be attentiveness and time-dependent in the presence and absence of fetal bovine serum.

Wound healing activity
Wound healing is the processes of growth and regeneration of wound tissue. The aim of wound repair is to promote wound healing in the shortest time possible, with least pain, discomfort, and scarring to the patient. Some medicinal plants are used in traditional medicine for wound healing. The in vivo study of the wound healing by the various wound animal models and compare with the standard group and control.

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine syndrome which mostlyincreases glucose level in the blood due to the defect in theinsulin secretion or insulin action or both. In diabetes, the defect in the pancreas islet cells followed by insulin deficiency and causes diabetes. The anti-diabetic drugs are the used to the treatment of diabetes, these are the drugs are screened by the diabetic animal models such as chemical induced diabetes model, genetic induced, hormone induced and the viral-induced animal models. The parameters like glucose level were measured in this model. The Tecomastanshaving the anti-diabetic activity which is evaluated by the chemical induced diabetes model.



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Protect CNS against Oxidative Damages
The specific receptor binding of three neurotransmitters:GABA, an inhibitory transmitter and acetylcholine and glutamate. The oxidative effect produces the free radicals in the neurotransmitters and followed by causes of CNS. Anti-oxidative substances are protected central nervous system from oxidative effect. Recent studies are used herbal extracts as anti-oxidative agents; the Tecoma stansare having this property and protect the CNS.

Gastric Ulcer Healing Activity
Gastric ulcers are the erosion of the gastric mucosa in the gastrointestinal tract. There are many factors can induce the ulcer like stress, alcohol, drugs, etc., numerous drug classes are used to the treatment of gastric ulcers, such as proton pump inhibitors, M1-receptor blockers, and H2-receptor antagonists. The anti-ulcer drugs are screened by the various animal models. These are the animal models are the ulcer induced animal models there are many induction methods are available like stress, alcohol, and drugs (paracetamol). The measurement of the ulcer index and the histopathological studies by the determination of the activity and compared with control and standard groups.

Table 2: In vivo screening of Tecoma stanswith current updates


Part of the plant and extract solvent

Animals model

Animal used

Standard drug

Evaluation parameters





Carrageenan-Induced Paw Oedema

Wistar rats of either sex (180-250gms)

Indomethacin does 20mg/kg s.c.,

the volume of the paw (using Digital plethysmometer)

Brahmam et al., 2015


Central Analgesic Activity

Ethanol, Aqueous/Flower

Hot plate method

Swiss albino mice of either sex (25-30gms)

Pentazocin, 10 mg/kg, i.p.)

licking of paws, shaking or

jumping off the surface (Eddy’s hot plate)

Brahmam et al., 2015


Antinociceptive activity and Anti-inflammatory activity

Alcohol and Water/Leaves

Hot plate method, Formalin-induced paw licking model, Acetic acid induced writhing test,

Carrageenan-induced rat paw edema,

Albino mice and Wister rats of either sex (weighing 18-24 g, 150-200 g

Pentazocine(10 mg/kg)., i.p,

Pentazocine (10mg/kg) i.p.

Diclofenac sodium (10 mg/kg, p.o.


licking of paws, shaking or

jumping off the surface (Eddy’s hot plate),

%inhibition of Paw licking,

% inhibition of writhing response.

% inhibition of paw edema


Lakshmiet al., 2013



Water/aerial parts

WETS on survival time

Swiss albino mice

5- Fluorouracil (20mg/

Tumor volume, Tumor cell count, and Viable and non-viable cell counts

Sridharanet al., 2014


Cardio-protective effect


isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction

Wister rats(150-250g)

Simvastatin (60 mg/kg)p.o


AST, LDH, CK, TC, TG, LDL and depletion of HDL levels

GSH, lipid peroxidation SOD, and CAT,

Shanmukha et al., 2014


Genotoxic and cytotoxic


Bone marrow chromosome assay,

Mitotic index assay,

Chromosome abbreviation assay,

Mouse embryo fibroblast,

Viable cell count

Male BALB/c mice (22-24g)


Mitotic index,

Chromosome abbreviation,

Percentage inhibition of MEF

Amad M et al., 2012


Wound healing

Ethanol/ Flowers

Excision wound model,

Incision wound model,

Burn wound model

Wister albino rats (150-180g)

Silver sulfadiazine (0.01%)

Percentage wound concentration,

Epithelialization period,

Tensile strength,


Histo-pathological study

Kameshwaran et al., 2014


Wound healing

Petroleum ether, Chloroform, Methanol/ Bark

Excision wound,

Incision wound

Wister albino rats (180- 250g)


2% gum acacia suspension (1 ml/kg,p.o).

Percentage wound concentration,

Epithelialization period

Das et al., 2010



Methanol/ Flowers

Antitumor activity,

Hematological parameters.

Male Swiss albino rats (150-180g)

5- Fluorouracil (20mg/

Tumor volume,

Tumor weight,

Viable/non-viable cell count, mean survival time,

Body weight, food intake

Kameshwaran et al., 2012



Alcohol/ Leaves               


Male adult Wister rats (200-250g)

carbachol, tetraethylammonium, propranolol,




Percentage relaxation,

Percentage contraction

Gharib et al., 2007




STZ induced diabetes model

albino rats (100‐150 g)

metformin hydrochloride(500 mg/kg)

Carbohydrate tolerance curve,


HDL, glucose, creatinine, uric acid,

ALT levels,


Taher et al., 2016


Protect CNS       

Ethanol/ Flowers

Tail-suspension Test,

Forced-swimming Test,


Wistar albino rats (200-300g)

No standard group only control group treated with vehicle

immobility time,

locomotors activity

Kameshwaran Set al., 2014


Gastric Ulcer Healing

Petroleum ether/Leaf

Pylorus Ligation Induced Ulcers

Wister albino rats (150-180g)


Volume of

Gastric juice ml,

pH, Free acid (meq/l),

Ulcer score %


Arnabadityaet al., 2012



Petroleum ether, Chloroform,


Thioacetamide induced hepatotoxicity,

CCL4 induced nephrotoxicity

Wistar albino rats (150-250g)

Silymarin 100 mg/kg p.o.,.


liver weight, liver volume, biochemical markers,

GSH, lipid peroxidation levels,


Shanmukhaet al., 2013



Petroleum Ether, Chloroform, Ethanol, Water/Leaves

Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats,

Gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats,

Paracetamol-induced nephrotoxicity in rats

Wister albino rats (weighing 150-250g) and albino mice (weighing 20-25g)

saline 1ml/kg p.o

blood urea, serum creatinine, kidney weight, GSH levels, body weight, lipid peroxidation levels

Shanmukhaet al., 2012


Tecoma stansare having the many of the active phytoconstituents which are leads to the great medicinal value of this plant. In this review was concluded that the various parts of the plants are having various pharmacological actions like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticancer cardio-protective effect, genotoxic, cytotoxicity, wound healing, anti‐hyperglycemic, protect CNS, gastric ulcer healing, antiproliferative, antioxidant, anti-microbial, hemolytic activity, anti-lipoxygenase and acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitory activities. And this review was used to develop the further research in this plant Tecomastans

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9. Chaugan S.V.S., Jolly Singh and Satoshi Tahara (2004); Role of phenolic sans boron in reproductive success in seasonally transient sterile Tecoma stansL; Indian journal of experimental biology; Vol. 42 No. 1; 197-201
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14. Govindappa M., Sadananda T.S., Channabasava R., Jeevitha M.K., Pooja K.S., Vinay B. and  Raghavendra (2011) Antimicrobial, Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Tecoma stans(L.) Juss. Ex Kunth; Journal of Phytology Phyto-pharmacology; Vol. 3 No. 3; 68-76
15. Indra Gandhi M. and Ramesh S (2010); Antifungal and hemolytic activities of organic extracts of Tecoma stans(Bignoniaceae); Journal of Ecobiotechnology; Vol. 2 No.2; 26-32
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19. Kamilia F. Taha, El-sayeda A. El-kashoury, Shahira M. Ezzat and Naglaa A. Saleh (2016); Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of volatile constituents of the leaves of Tecoma Smithii Will Wats; Global Journal of Medicinal Plant Research; Vol. 4 No. 4; 16-22
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33. Subalakshmi T. and Jepa Chandra Mohan (2017); Inhibitory Effect of Different Solvent Extracts of Tecoma stans, Ixora Coccinea and Aerva Lenata Leaves on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus Sp. of cattle Pathogens; World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Vol. 6 No. 2; 1219-1228
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