Sadanand Dhananjay Khair
College Government College of pharmacy Karad, Maharashtra, India
Non communicable diseases are those diseases which are mostly chronic and rarely acute this are not contagious in nature they are not transfer from one person to another. Referred to as a "lifecycle" sickness, in light of the fact that most of these maladies are preventable ailments, the most widely recognized reasons for non-communicable disease (NCD) incorporate tobacco use (smoking), liquor misuse, less than stellar eating routines (high utilization of sugar, salt, immersed fats, and trans unsaturated fats) and physical inertia. In India as well as world level although there is food of vehicles, motorbikes, gadgets like mobile phones, cameras ,smart phones computer related materials still at level of human being may he or she be poor or rich educated or non-educated having a good job or jobless or unmarried or divorced man suffering from disease which are difficult to treat because of pollution at every level at every level of soil, water ,food, agricultural products, air pollution human being are facing no of respiratory disease like C.O.P.D.,emphysema asthma etc. Non communicable disease are those type of disease which do not spread from person to person. They either present since birth or developed during growing stages. Common reasons for this type of disease are infection with various agents, pollution, changing life style, using chemical things rather than herbal things, using high amount of drug of abuse.