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November 2018

Clinical research courses

Job as Research Fellow, Research Assistant at Mahatma Gandhi University

Mahatma Gandhi University envisions to champion the cause of higher education in the country by catering to the scholastic, expertise and developmental needs of the individual, the society and the industry through the creation of a critical knowledge base with well-defined means for its dissemination and extension for the society’s sustained and inclusive growth

Job as Senior Research Fellow at National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali is an autonomous R&D Institute under Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. The institute carries out cutting edge research at the interface of Food, Nutrition and Agricultural Biotechnology.

The pharmacist have tremendous role to the improvement of public health. With this conviction, IPA decide to develop Public-Private-Partnership (PPA) agreement initiated by Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) and Central TB Division (CTBD) in 2006 to explore the potential of pharmacists for TB control programme. The association has now mooted another proposal with the CTBD to tap the potential of the retail pharmacists working in community pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.

New measures to overcome challenges in the response to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are having a positive impact, although the outbreak remains dangerous and unpredictable, the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping and the World Health Organization (WHO) said after a joint mission to assess the outbreak.

Manufacturing inspections are one of the FDA’s most important tools for ensuring the quality of pharmaceutical products used by American patients. Inspections help us to identify manufacturing issues that could pose potential risks to patients, or problems that could contribute to drug shortages, enabling us to engage manufacturers to address and resolve issues.

Opportunity for Pharmacy professionals to join in ICMR as Consultant- Biomedical Research

The lndian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, the apex body in lndia for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world. The Govt. of India through lndian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has initiated its flagship program by establishing an "lndian TB Research Consortium" to advance technology and product development by harnessing interdisciplinary expertise and regional complementary strengths and focus on building and strengthening scientific capabilities and generating a better understanding to aid accelerating the development of new diagnostics, new & improved vaccines and immunotherapies, drugs for TB.

Job opening for Pharmacist at District Health & Family Welfare Society

As per Govt orders of Principal Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, vide- Go (Rt) No 2529/2011/H&FWD dated on 13/07/2011- a Comprehensive Health Plan has been prepared through a decentralized plan preparation process on a pilot basis in Alappuzha District. The District prepared health and health related projects for a total amount of Rs. 62251.98 lakhs. (Health Projects worth Rs.5619.84/- as well as Health related Projects worth Rs.56932.14/-Considering the success and participatory approach, and Campaign mood the Decentralised Comprehensive Health Plan process has been extended to all the Districts of Kerala.

Job opportunity for Masters in Pharmacy at Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology

Situated among pristine environ in the lap of Dhauladhar ranges, CSIR-IHBT is the only laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in the State of Himachal Pradesh (H.P.), India. Institute has a focused research mandate on bioresources for catalysizing bioeconomy in a sustainable manner. The institute has:  state-of the art laboratories; remote sensing and mapping facilities; internationally recognised herbarium; animal house facility; pilot plants in nutraceuticals, essential oil and herbals; farms and polyhouses. The young and dynamic team of scientists propel the research and work dedicatedly to discover and find solutions to new challenging problems faced by the society. International collaborations further strengthens scientific interactions at a global scale. Promoting industrial growth through technological interventions is a constant endeavour and several technologies developed by the institute are transferred to industries. For socio- economic upliftment,  regular training programmes and  advisory services are rendered to farmers,  floriculturists, tea planters and small entrepreneurs involved in food processing sector.

Job as Manager / Deputy Manager (Pharma retail business operations) at HLL Lifecare

HLL Lifecare Limited, a Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is a global provider of high quality healthcare products & services. Retail Business Divisions and Healthcare Services Division of HLL Lifecare Limited, has setup AMRIT Pharmacies and HINDLABS respectively across Assam state for which the company is looking for dynamic and performance driven professionals for the following position on Fixed Tenure Contract basis.

Opening for Pharmacists at Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Eye Diseases

The institute was established as ”Regional Research Institute (Ayurveda)“ on February 19, 1981 as peripheral unit under the Central Council For Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) and started functioning along with the facilities of OPD, IPD and Mobile Clinical Research Unit (MCRU) Pathology and Bio chemistry Laboratory at Lucknow. The institute was upgraded and renamed as “Central Research Institute (Ayurveda)” on February 1997 by merging various units. The institute was again renamed as “National Veterinary Ayurveda Research Institute & Hospital” on 10th October 2009 by CCRAS. Moreover, at present the institute has got a new name on 12.04.2016 as “Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Eye Diseases” with specific mandate.