The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) / the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) will soon jointly initiate research on Health care. This program provides funding opportunities for joint research cooperation between Dutch and Indian research groups.
Three strategic issues to be addressed under this program. First, how can technology support people's health and well-being in order to help them function and participate in society outside of organized care? The point is to focus on health rather than on health care. By focusing on prevention, health and wellness, you reduce the need for professional health care. Second, how can technology make it easier for people to get closer to home? In many cases, it is more cost effective and better for patients to provide care outside of health care facilities. Chronic care should not be managed in hospitals. Rehabilitation should take place closer to home or even at home. Third, how can technology enable more effective and personalized care? Technology allows us to do more with less. The technology can allow for early and individualized diagnosis and prognosis, less invasive treatment and change work processes all together.
The purpose of this joint research program is to stimulate a sustainable Indian-Dutch research collaboration by funding joint research projects in the field of medical devices with the explicit objective of contributing to more sustainable health care in India or Netherlands. It also aims to develop innovative technologies for a sustainable health system.
In addition to providing solutions to the above questions, another objective is to stimulate the Dutch and Indian research fields of medical devices on the minimally invasive techniques.
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