Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI) is an autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt, of India. The institute is an integral part of the interdisciplinary NCR Biotech Science Cluster located at Faridabad, and is designed as a dynamic, interactive organization with the mission to conduct innovative translational research and to develop research collaborations across disciplines and professions to translate concepts into tangible products to improve human health.
THSTI has set up niche centres for research in areas relevant to planned translational work. They are: Vaccine and Infectious Disease Research Centre (VIDRC), Paediatric Biology Centre (PBC), Centre for Bio-design & Diagnostics (CBD), Drug Discovery Research Centre (DDRC), Centre for Human Microbial Ecology (CHME) and Policy Centre for Biomedical Research (PCBR). Clinical Development Services Agency (CDSA) and National Bio-design Alliance (NBA) are THSTI’s extramural centres.
Post : Professional Expert (Scientific Communication & PR)