Delhi government has established Delhi Healthcare Corporation Limited (DHCL), a public limited company, under the Department of Health and Family Welfare of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD). DHCL is mandated to provide administrative support services to health facilities of Delhi Govt. including procurement and ensuring availability of drugs, consumables, equipment, setting up and running of laboratory services, management of outsourced hospital services, smooth running of Aam Aadmi Mohalla clinics, technology services etc. ). DHCL will provide these services by setting up four Strategic Business Units (SBU) Procurement & Supply Chain Management Services, Hospital Management Services, Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinic (AAMC) Management Services and Information Technology Services.
To carry out the functions and tasks effectively, the Delhi Healthcare Corporation invites applications for following below mentioned posts in the prescribed format from suitable candidates on a contractual / deputation basis.
Post : Assistant Manager – Procurement Drugs