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December 2015





Clinical research courses



NG Dhawan*1, Manisha Mavai2, Priyanka Bishnoi3, Raaz K Maheshwari3
1Amity Institute of Environmental Sciences, Amity University,  Noida, UP, India
2Department of Botany Physiology, AIIMS, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
3Department of Botany & Biotechnology, University of Rajasthan, Rajasthan, India
4Department of Chemistry, SBRM Govt PG College, Nagaur, India

The genetic resources and indigenous communities traditional knowledge of developing countries is being exploited by the Developed countries in the name of patents for inventions that are derived from genetic  resources. The exploitation of genetic resources and indigenous communities traditional knowledge by the developed countries in the name of patents on the inventions derived from those genetic resources is actually bio-piracy.  Protection of the TK of the local and indigenous communities appears to be one of the most debatable and complex issues. This paper brings out the role of domestic IPR constitution that looks to protect traditional system of medicine and associated TK in Indian sub-continent. Further, it attempts to validate the necessity of introduction of a national TKDL, which can be utilized as an evidence of the 'prior art' by the examiners of patent offices, nationally as well as internationally. Thus, it aims to address the concerns relating to the creation of TKDL in India.

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Quantum Pharma Plc, the growing service-led niche pharmaceutical manufacturer, developer and supplier to the health and care sectors, is pleased to announce a further three out-licensing deals in Germany, though Lamda (UK) Limited, Lamda Laboratories SA and Lamda Pharmaceuticals SA (collectively ‘Lamda’), part of its Niche Pharmaceutical division.  These agreements form part of the core strategy for this division.

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PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company and leader in the field of biopolymer-based drugs, focused on developing treatments for metabolic and specialty cardiopulmonary disorders, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug designation to Vasomera (PB1046) Injection for the treatment of cardiomyopathy associated with dystrophinopathies: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) and X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy (XL-dCMP).

Cellceutix Corporation, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing innovative therapies with oncology, dermatology, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic applications, is pleased to announce that on November 30, 2015 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Rare Pediatric Disease Designation to Kevetrin for the treatment of retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer that begins in the retina, the light sensitive nerve tissue that lines the back of the eye.

Researchers have developed two antibodies to potentially treat or prevent pertussis, the highly contagious respiratory tract infection that affects millions of infants and results in an estimated 200,000 child deaths every year.

Indian scientists have developed a cheap, easy and ultra-sensitive blood-based strip test for kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the second largest parasitic killer in the world after malaria. Having been validated in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Brazil, the technology will now be tested in Africa to enable nations fight the ravages of the disease that is lethal if untreated.

he sprouting "free health check-up camps" in India are just a tactic of pharmaceutical companies to push their products and are in violation of Medical Council of India guidelines, says a special investigative report in the British Medical Journal.

For those who do meditation regularly, here is another good news. Researchers report that apart from reducing blood pressure and heart disease risk, Transcendental Meditation technique and lifestyle changes can slow cellular death too.

Outdated tuberculosis (TB) policies and practices are risking the further spread of drug-resistant TB globally, warns a 24-country survey, urging a phase-out of mandatory hospitalisation and re-treatment regimens that contribute to drug resistance.