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October 2015





Clinical research courses

A two-day convention here of the country's anaesthesiologists has called for the community to transit to newer techniques and medications to avert problems arising out of general anaesthesia routinely administered during surgery.

 In what could lead to potential new ways of slowing the pace of ageing in humans, research have identified 238 genes that, when removed from living cells, can extend their life

Lithium, a drug used successfully for decades to treat adults with the bipolar disorder, can also be safe and effective for children suffering from the chronic brain condition marked by spontaneous, changing bouts of elation and depression, says a new study.

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New research has found that young children who are taught to reason about the mental states of others are more likely to use deception to win a reward. The findings indicate that developing "theory of mind" (ToM) -- a cognitive ability critical to many social interactions -- may enable children to engage in the sophisticated thinking necessary for intentionally deceiving another person. The study appeared in the journal Psychological Science.

Researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have discovered an immune system gene that can be associated with higher rates of amyloid plaque. The research team found that a variant in the IL1RAP gene was associated with greater amyloid plaque accumulation over two years and had an even stronger effect than the well-known APOE e4 allele which is notorious for its association with the development of Alzheimer's disease. The findings were reported in the Brain.

Internet and social media can be more effective for improving people's exercise habits than promotional advertisements, revealed a new study by researchers from University of Pennsylvania. The findings suggest that 'Health buddies' on Facebook can actually inspire you to hit the gym or motivate you to do yoga in the neighborhood park, resulting in a new, fitter you. The study was published in Preventive Medicine Reports.

Experts have designed and synthesized a nanometer-scale DNA "machine" that can make the process of detecting the antibodies that can help with the diagnosis of infectious and auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and HIV much cheaper. The findings were detailed in the journal Angewandte Chemie.


Vinay Kumar Singh
General Manager-Technical,
Mikasa Cosmetics Limited,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat

A contaminant is a substance that is where it shouldn't be and is at high enough levels to have a negative effect on our health or on the health of animals or plants. A contaminant is any potentially undesirable substance (physical, chemical or biological). It usually refers to the introduction of harmful human-made substances.