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June 2015

Clinical research courses

Opportunity for freshers as Clinical data management (12 posts) : SCRI

The Sai Clinical Research Training Institute is a unique year-long education and mentoring program for hematology fellows and junior faculty at academic medical centers and offers a broad education about clinical research methods, research collaborations, statistical analysis, and managing the demands of family and career.

Post: Clinical data management - 12 Posts

PharmaTutor Magazine | Volume 3, Issue 7 for July 15

PharmaTutor Magazine - July 2015 is released | Read online or Subscribe

Career opportunity as Medical Writer II in Parexel

PAREXEL has supported the Bio-Tech and Pharmaceutical industries in helping the development of new drugs and treatments on a global basis. As a leading global biopharmaceutical service provider, they supply knowledge-based contract research, medical communications and consulting services across a broad range of therapeutic areas to the worldwide pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. They have helped over 800 clients to develop and launch some of the most important drugs and devices of our time-helping people live better and healthier lives everywhere in the world. Headquartered near Boston, Massachusetts, PAREXEL operates in more than 50 countries around the world.

Post: Medical Writer II

Vacancy as Senior Research Scientist/ Research Scientist-Bioanalytical in Advinus Therapeutics (A TATA Enterprise)

Advinus Therapeutics (A TATA Enterprise) is an R&D driven company that is focused on the new drug discovery and development of pharmaceutical and agrochemical products. Advinus operations are organized into two separate businesses centered around Discovery and Development respectively. The Discovery arm of Advinus integrates under one umbrella the expertise, experience, capabilities and infrastructure needed for Drug Discovery from hit to clinical development candidate. Our presence in India helps us enhance the productivity and efficiency of our agrochemical and pharmaceutical R&D programs to unprecedented levels of cost-effectiveness and quality by bringing together demonstrated world class expertise with the talent and economies of India.

Post: Research Scientist/Senior Scientist/ Principal Scientist

Walk in interview for Assistant Professor (Guest Faculty) in Ch. Bansi Lal University

Ch. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani is a state university established by the government of Haryana under Act No. 25 of 2014. It has been recognized by the University Grants Commission under 2F. The university is a boon for the academically rather deprived region of Haryana, and holds great promise for the intellectual and academic boom for the people of Bhiwani, a city located to the west of Delhi and south of Chandigarh at a distance of 125 kilometres and 285 kilometres respectively.

Walk in interview for the post of Assistant Professor (Guest Faculty) per lecture basis in the following subjects on the date mentioned against each will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Administrative Block of the University:

Advinus Therapeutics (A TATA Enterprise) invites Senior Scientist/ Principal Scientist - Bioanalytical

Advinus Therapeutics (A TATA Enterprise) is an R&D driven company that is focused on the new drug discovery and development of pharmaceutical and agrochemical products. Advinus operations are organized into two separate businesses centered around Discovery and Development respectively. The Discovery arm of Advinus integrates under one umbrella the expertise, experience, capabilities and infrastructure needed for Drug Discovery from hit to clinical development candidate. Our presence in India helps us enhance the productivity and efficiency of our agrochemical and pharmaceutical R&D programs to unprecedented levels of cost-effectiveness and quality by bringing together demonstrated world class expertise with the talent and economies of India.

Post: Senior Scientist/ Principal Scientist - Bioanalytical

Saurashtra University invites Assistant Professors, Lab. Technician

Saurashtra University, Rajkot invites applications for the following temporary positions on contractual basis at the fixed emoluments under Center of Excellence in Drug Discovery at NFDD Complex, Saurashtra University Campus, Rajkot, funded by Industries Commissionerate, Gandhinagar projects sanctioned for the period of 3 years.

Post: Assistant Professors, Lab. Technician