Researchers are developing a new drug that may prevent the onset of diabetes and reverse the symptoms of the disease.
Scientists have managed to prolong the lifespan of flies by up to 60 per cent after activating a gene which destroys unhealthy cells, an advance which may help develop new anti-ageing treatments for humans.
Cow urine and related ayurvedic preparations are gaining popularity among the modern population. In Ayurveda, these formulations are therapeutically important in Krimi Roga, Kushtha, Kandu, Shoola, Gulma, Udara Roga, Anaha, Shotha, Pandu, Kamala, Vasti Roga, Kasa, Shavasa, Atisara, Mutraroga etc. Cow urine is ingredient of several Ayurvedic formulations and also used as adjuvant with medicinal formulations and for pharmaceutical processing called Shodhana (Purification) and Bhavana (Triturition) of medicinal materials.