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October 2013

Clinical research courses


Arya K.R.
Department of Pharmaceutics, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences and Research,
MG University, Kottayam

Opening for B.Sc, M.Pharm, M.Sc as Officer / Executive - Regulatory Affairs - API @ Sun Pharma

Sun Pharma ranks amongst India's largest pharma companies We’ve built a reputation for speciality therapy leadership and faster- than-industry growth over the last 30 years. From a modest beginning with five people, our team today exceeds 13,000 and growing, put manufacturing base now spans 25 sites across the world. With a market cap of over $ 16 billion, we’re also India’s most valued pharma brand. To keep pace with our growth plans, we require for our Formulation manufacturing plant at Halo! (Near Baroda):

Career opportunity for Technical Assistant @ CSIR-CDRI

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow is a premier R&D Institute under the aegis of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi which is an autonomous body under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India.

Vacancy for Pharmacist in Oushadhi

Largest producer of Ayurveda medicines in public sector in India, One among the few Public Sector companies, consistently making profit and paying dividend to Government of Kerala since 1999. Supplies medicine to Government of Kerala for the distribution to common man through ISM Dept. A GMP and ISO 9001-2008 certified company. Produces 450 Ayurvedic formulations - both classical and proprietary. Sole supplier of medicines to Government Ayurveda Hospitals and proprietary.

Advertisement for Faculty Positions at CBMR - 6 posts

The Centre of Biomedical Research (CBMR) at Lucknow established with aims to promote and strengthen multidisciplinary areas of research and to create opportunity for extraordinary talented scientists to research at the interface between Chemical, Biological, Medical Sciences and NMR Spectroscopy. The centre focuses research in interfacing small molecule synthesis with Biology for developing future medicines and therapies.

Admissions are open for Ph.D. in Pharmacy at Indian Institute of Technology-BHU

The P.G. programmes of the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi are aimed at training manpower with sound theoretical and experimental background in frontier areas of research in the engineering, applied sciences and interdisciplinary subjects. The emphasis is on understanding the scientific basis and engineering principles involved in solving problems of practical importance in the relevant field using multidisciplinary approach.

Career opportunity for Research Fellow (JRF), Project Assistant (PA) @ IITK

The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when a committee was set up by Hon'ble Sir Jogendra Singh, Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Department of Education, Health and Agriculture to consider the setting up of Higher Technical Institutions for post war industrial development in India.


Sandeep Kumar Patro*, M.Jhansi, Dr.A.M.S.Sudhakar Babu, Sk.Asief, P.Ramesh Babu
A.M.Reddy memorial college of pharmacy, Narasaraopet.

Study of drug - excipient compatibility is an important process in development stage of dosage forms. Incompatibility between drugs and excipients alter drug stability and bioavailability &there by affect their safety and efficacy. Dosage form is a pharmaceutical drug delivery system, which is a combination of drug(s) and non-drug  components called as excipients. Drug is a chemical substance obtained from either natural, synthetic or semi synthetic source, which is used for the treatment, curing, prevention  or mitigation of a disease or disorder in human beings or animals Excipients are nondrug components which are serve specific purposes like shape, stability, solubility, elegance, palatability etc. of a dosage form. These are also called as adjuvants, additives or pharmaceutical aids. The evaluation of drug-excipient compatibility is therefore an essential aspect of any preformulation study. To evaluate the drug- excipient compatibility different techniques such as  Thermal analysis, Differential scanning  calorimetric (DSC) study, Infra red spectrophotometric study (IR), Isothermal stress testing (IST), High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),Thin layer chromatography (TLC), Solution calorimetry  were adopted.

Opportunity for Fresh M.Pharm, B.Pharm as Associate Research Analyst in Thomson Reuters

At Thomson Reuters, we believe what we do matters. We are passionate about our work, inspired by the impact it has on our business and our customers. As a team, we believe in winning as one - collaborating to reach shared goals, and developing through challenging and meaningful experiences. With over 60,000 employees in more than 100 countries, we work flexibly across boundaries and realize innovations that help shape industries around the world. Making this happen is a dynamic, evolving process, and we count on each employee to be a catalyst in driving our performance - and their own.

Post: Associate Research Analyst - JREQ008858

Opening for Group C Pharmacists (4 posts) at ESIC

Applications are invited from eligible retired Pharmacists, Nursing Orderlies and Occupational Therapists from ESIC, Central/ State government Organizations, Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies to be engaged on contract basis for a period of six months in ESIC Super Specialty Hospital, Asramam, Kollam. The engagement will be purely on contractual basis with provision for termination giving due notice.