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February 2012



Clinical research courses

Multiple vacancies of Paramedical Staffs in CCRAS - total 11 posts

The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) is an autonomous body under the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy (AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The Council is an apex body in India for formulation, development and promotion of research in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The Council carries out its activities and functions through its network of 31 Institutions located all over India.

Require Product manager in Bafna Pharma

University of Pune Sponsored Conference on CURRENT TRENDS IN cGMP AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS at R.G Sapkal College of Pharmacy

Ravindra Gambhirrao Sapkal College of Pharmacy is started in 2008-09. Institute caters Degree course in Pharmacy and Post graduate course in Quality Assurance Techniques. Since its inception institute is striving hard for budding pharmacist. In addition to a well-structured yet flexible curriculum, our institute provides ample opportunity for active research collaborations with phama industries to equip our students to develop a strong set of competencies desired in todays hypercompetitive world.

Applications invited for PROFESSORS & ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS at Jaipur National University

Jaipur National University (JNU), Jaipur came into existence in the year 2007. Two professional institutes of the seedling Group, established in 2002, with several technical & professional programmes of studies, were merged with the University to form a major part of the University.


AKUMS DRUGS & PHARMACEUTICALS LTD is one of the most innovative, productive and research based pioneer organization of India having its registered office at Delhi and various plants in Haridwar, Uttrakhand giving employment to more than 2000 people.


The Institute has completed successful 25 years. Since its inception in 1984, the institute has made a distinct place for itself and become a leading organization in the country engaging itself in health management research, education and training to fulfill its mission to dedicate itself to the improvement in standards of health through better management of health care and related programs.

Faculty openings in Hindu College of Pharmacy as Professor, Asso Prof, Assis. Professor

Hindu College of Pharmacy was established in 1978 by The Sonepat Hindu Charitable & Educational Society with the vision to provide quality pharmacy education to students. During the past thirty two years the college has made significant contributions towards building professional skills of pharmacy focusing on community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, clinical pharmacy & industrial pharmacy.

Require Area Manager, Trainee Field Officers in Franco-Indian Pharmaceuticals

Career as RESEARCH INTERNS (Organic Chemistry) in HLL Lifecare - Freshers may apply | 3 posts

HLL's Corporate Research and Development Division (CDRC) is a centre of excellence with world class laboratories implementing R&D projects both in-house and as well as on collaborative mode with other premier academic and research institutions in the country and abroad including Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), Indian Council of Medical Research New Delhi (ICMR) , Central Drug Research Institute, etc.

Require Executive Production Planning and Inventory Control / Supply Chain Management in Gland Pharma