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Bose Institute

Clinical research courses

  • Job for Research Associate at Bose Institute

    Bose Institute was set up in 1917 by Sir JC Bose, the founder of modern science in the Indian subcontinent. It is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research and bears a century old tradition of research excellence. Bose Institute is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research. Since inception, the Institute has been visited by numerous stalwarts, such as the writer Aldous Huxley (1926), heads of foreign states like King Albert I of Belgium (1925) and President Brezhnev of USSR (1959).

    Post : Research Associate / Senior Research Fellow

  • Walk in interview for Research Associate at Bose Institute

    Bose Institute was set up in 1917 by Sir JC Bose, the founder of modern science in the Indian subcontinent. It is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research and bears a century old tradition of research excellence. Bose Institute is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research. Since inception, the Institute has been visited by numerous stalwarts, such as the writer Aldous Huxley (1926), heads of foreign states like King Albert I of Belgium (1925) and President Brezhnev of USSR (1959).

    Post : Research Associate

  • Online Applications are invited for Research Associate at Bose Institute | 09 posts

    Bose Institute was set up in 1917 by Sir JC Bose, the founder of modern science in the Indian subcontinent. It is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research and bears a century old tradition of research excellence.

    Bose Institute, Kolkata, invites online applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Research Associate (09 posts) under Institute Plan Programmes .

  • Job for Research Associate, Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow at Bose Institute

    Bose Institute, Kolkata, invites application from the Indian Citizens for the following positions in the DBT sponsored project entitled, “Transcriptional regulator RegX3 dependent modulation of the macrophage immune response by Mycobacterium tuberculosis” under the guidance of Prof. Manikuntala Kundu, Dept. of Chemistry. The project is tenable upto 12.07.2020. Details of qualification, associateship/fellowship, age etc. are as follows.

  • Job for Junior Research Fellow in Bose Institute

    Walk-in-Interview will be held on October 10, 2017 at 12:00 noon in the Seminar Room of the Department of Biophysics, Centenary Campus, Bose Institute, P-1/12, C.I.T Scheme VII-M, Kolkata 700 054 for one (01) post of Junior Research Fellow in the CSIR sponsored project entitled “Structural insight and dynamical properties of Alpha synuclein fibrillation in the context of mitochondrial membrane or biological membranes: pathological role in synaptic transmission aggregation property and cellular toxicity” under the guidan

  • Walk in interview for Research Associate/ Senior Research Fellow in Bose Institute

    A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 25th October, 2016 at 12:30 P.M. in the Office of the Head, Division of Molecular Medicine, Centenary Campus, Bose Institute, P-1/12, C.I.T. Scheme VII-M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata – 700 054 for one position of Research Associate or Senior Research Fellow (Extended) in the SERB(DST) sponsored project entitled, “Targeting the miRNA axis with a synthetic small molecule, Nifetepimine to restrict migration of triple negative breast cancer cells” under the guidance of Prof. Parimal C. Sen (Principal Investigator), NASI Platinum Jubilee Senior Scientist and Prof. Parames C. Sil (Co- Principal Investigator), Division of Molecular Medicine. The project is tenable upto 25.09.2019. Details of qualification, associateship / fellowship, age etc. are as follows :

    Post: Research Associate/ Extended Senior Research Fellow

  • Opportunity for Junior Research Fellow in Bose Institute

    Bose Institute, Kolkata, invites applications from Indian Citizens for one (01) position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the SERB sponsored project entitled “Regulation of the mycobacterial stress response by the two-component system SenX3-RegX3 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis” under the guidance of Prof. Manikuntala Kundu, Department of Chemistry. The project is tenable for three years upto 02.06.2018. Details of qualification, fellowship, age etc. are as follows :-

    Post: Junior Research Fellow

  • Walk in interview in Bose Institute for the post of Research Associate OR Senior Research Fellow (Extended)

    Walk-in-Interview will be held on 09th July 2014 at 11:30A.M. in the Seminar Room of Microbiology Department at Centenary Campus of Bose Institute, P-1/12, C.I.T. Scheme VII-M. Kankurgachi, Kolkata - 700 054 for one position of Research Associate OR Senior Research Fellow (Extended) in the DBT’s Twinning programme for the NE entitled “Carbon monoxide conversion using native hydrogenogenic microorganisms for sulphate rich waste water treatment” under Prof. Tapan K. Dutta. Department of Microbiology. The project is tenable upto 30th March, 2015. Details of qualification, associateship/fellowship. age etc. are as follows:

    Post: Research Associate OR Senior Research Fellow (Extended)

  • Walk in interview for Research Associate OR Senior Research Fellow @ Bose Institute

    Walk-in-Interview will be held on 11th April 2014 at 11:00 A.M. in the Seminar Room of the Plant Biology Division at Centenary Campus of Bose Institute, P-1/12, C.I.T. Scheme VII-M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata – 700 054 for one position of Research Associate OR Senior Research Fellow (Extended) in the DAE sponsored “Raja Ramanna Fellowship” project entitled “Inositol metabolism in relation to abiotic stress in plants : Molecular and transgenic approach” under supervision of Prof. A.N. Lahiri Majumder, Raja Ramanna Fellow, Division of Plant Biology. The project is tenable upto 28th February, 2016. Details of qualification, associateship/fellowship, age etc. are as follows:

    Post: Research Associate OR Senior Research Fellow

  • Workshop and Hands - on -Training on Plant DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics of Medicinal Potential at Bose Institute

    Nominations are sought from Heads of Institutions for names (maximum of 2 from each organization) of young faculty members / researchers for inclusion in a Workshop (including theoretical classes and hands-on-training) on Plant DNA Fingerprinting and Chemical Analysis of medicinal potential under the research programme on DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics of Medicinal Potential in Plants from Eastern and North Eastern India.

    18th February – 4th March, 2014
    At Bose Institute (Main Campus), Kolkata

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