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NSF Announces 2013-14 Scholarships for Pharmacy / science graduates

Clinical research courses

North South Foundation provides scholarships to needy children who display academic excellence in India. NSF has distributed more than 4,500 scholarships to students who need financial support to pursue their quest for knowledge in engineering, medicine, polytechnic, science and other fields. The scholarship is an annual award and not a one-time payment. The student is eligible for the scholarship until graduation as long as he/she maintains high academic standards. NSF funds these scholarships by raising donations in the US. The local chapters located in various states in India do the commendable job of advertising to invite applications from students, screening these applications and selecting the most needy group of students who eventually become NSF scholarship recipients. Scholarship amounts range from INR 5,000 to INR 12,000 per student year.

North South Foundation (NSF) provides scholarships to undergraduate students entering into engineering, medicine or 3-year polytechnic (diploma in engineering.) based on merit and financial need. NSF also considers BVSc, BSc Ag, B.Pharma and Nursing courses. NSF uses uniform eligibility criteria to identify poor but meritorious students across chapters.

In a GOVERNMENT COLLEGE (including seats in Government Aided colleges) and do not receive other aid or scholarships AND Your annual family income is less than Rs.65,000

Eligibility criteria for college scholarships are listed below
Candidates who are in the top 10% in 10th or 12th or CET/JET ranks in their state
Annual family income is less than Rs. 65,000
Secured admission to professional courses like Engineering, Medical, Dental, Nursing, Polytechnic, B.Sc (Agr), B.Pharm, B.V.Sc, etc. in government (or aided) colleges.



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