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Margdarshi Fellowships for visionary biomedical scientists by The Wellcome Trust-DBT India

Clinical research courses

The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance is an £80 million initiative funded equally by The Wellcome Trust, UK and Department of Biotechnology, India. The broad aim of the India Alliance is to build excellence in the Indian biomedical scientific community by supporting future leaders in the field. To achieve this we provide competitive Fellowships across the full spectrum of biomedical science: from fundamental biology through to clinical and public health research.

An opportunity for visionary biomedical scientists to lead and nucleate a cutting edge research programme in India.  This scheme is for scientific leaders who already lead their own research laboratory/group, and wish to relocate from their current institution (in India or overseas) to a not-for-profit research institute or university in India.  The underlying philosophy in launching this fellowship is to replicate global standards of scientific excellence, and minimize disparities in scientific and administrative capacity, among research institutes and universities across India.

The Fellowship is for five years, and provides:
•  Generous personal support for the Fellow
•  Salary support for personnel, which may include Assistant Professors
•  Equipment, animals and consumables
•  Funds to attend scientific gatherings, for collaborative visits and to organize meetings.
•  Overheads for the Host Institution

Detailed budgets are not required at the time of application. However, if short-listed, the India Alliance will seek a detailed justified budget from the applicant prepared in consultation with the Sponsor.

It is mandatory for interested applicants to relocate with a vision to lead a vibrant group of young scientists and collaborators. Please note that those, who have already moved to the chosen place, will not be eligible to apply to the competition.
Applicants would have to detail the reasons for leaving their current institution and how the proposed relocation will augment their scientific activities in the Application Form.
Candidates need not be Indian nationals or of Indian origin but must already be pursuing or intending to pursue an academic research career in India.

There is no age limit to apply for this Fellowship. Applicants would normally be expected to be running an independent laboratory for 10 years or more, and have a strong scientific record.
Clinicians and public-health researchers, with equivalent qualifications and experience, are also eligible to apply.
The following attributes would be expected of eligible candidates:
•  demonstrated leadership skills
•  made significant contributions in research
•  mentored young scientists and students
•  attracted extra mural funds from peer-reviewed competitive sources
•  established collaborations
•  successfully initiated programmes of advanced scientific research
•  maintained high ethical standards.

Deadlines for Current Competition
Scheme Launch: 15 February 2013
Applications Due: 15 May 2013
Short-listing: June 2013
Interviews: October 2013


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