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Effect of Pregnenecy and Age on Distribution

Clinical research courses

D. Miscellaneous

1. Age

  • the infants have more total body water than adult. So, the volume of distribution is more. Therefore the same dose can’t be given. So, fewer doses are given to child than adult.
  • More aged person and infants also have more fat content. So, fat soluble drug accumulate and causes adverse effect.
  • The BBB is poorly developed in the child. So, the drug can easily penetrate it and causing adverse effect on the brain. And also low albumin level in child leads to more free drug concentration.

2. Pregnancy

  • During pregnancy, the growth of placenta and fetus is occurred. Definitely volume of distribution is more.
  • And the drug given to women can easily cross the placental barrier due to less efficiency then BBB.
  • Ex- hydantoin & morphine (decrease respiration of fetus)