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Routes Of Administration

Clinical research courses

                       ROUTES OF ADMINISTRATION

The route of has a significant effect to the pharmacology of drug. Some type of drug cannot be administered by specific route but other can be given by same.
for examle,
insulin can't be given by oral which leads to destruction of insulin by gastric juice.

So, it is given only by intramuscular injection. The administration of same by i.v. may leads to insulin shock.
But, paracetamol can be given by oral route.

The different routes of administration

  • Local application
  • Enema
  • Oral route
  • Paranteral                                                                                                                             Injection
    Intra arterial
  • Transcutaneous
    Jet injection
  • Transmucosal
    Endotracheal tube

Local application
Dusting powder, paste, lotion, ointment or plaster is used for action at site of application. Drugs also may be administered in the form of pessaries or suppositories.
Drugs have local action and should not be involve in the system. Some type of emulsions may be used by this route.

      Advantages :

  • These routes provide an easy route of administration for certain type of medicament. Ã¼ Local applications in general are useful when prolonged effect of the drug is desired.
  • These preparations decrease the possibility of systemic absorption of drugs.
  • It can be self medicated

      Disadvantages :

  • Drugs in the form of watery solution are sometimes absorbed in blood, which may leads to undesirable effects.
  • Drugs for corneal application may penetrate or affects the ciliary muscle.  Example,drugs like adrenaline are impermeable to cornea but if it does than leads mydriasis.
    Timolol eye drops for glaucoma which get penetrate and causes broncho spasm in asthmatic patient.