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Vacancy for Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, Medical Officer, ANM, Lab Assistant @ SKU Health Centre

Clinical research courses

SKU Health Centre, The Health centre caters to the needs of students, staff, non-teaching staff, visiting faculty of the University and to a limited extend to the needs of the surrounding cluster of villages. The Health centre as yet does not have in-patient therapy units. An expansion of the physical infrastructure of the Health centre is under way and when the work is completed, limited in-patient services will also be offered. There are three Medical Officers manning the Health centre.

Post: Pharmacist, Staff NUrse, Medical Officer, ANM, Lab Assistant

The Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu requires candidates for the following  positions to work in SKU Health Centre on contract basis for a period of one year on consolidated  remuneration as detailed below. 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 25,000/-
Qualification: Must have M.B.B.S Degree with  recognised University.  Preference will be given to experienced  persons. 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 10,000/-
Qualification: Must have undergone a successful  training for a period not less than 3  years in general sick nursing to Men  and Women and for a period of 6  months in midwife nurse training in  both cases to be undergone in an  institutions approved by the state  Government. Preference will be given  to experienced and higher qualification  persons. 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 10,000/-
Qualification: Passed D.Pharmacy; Preference will be given to experienced  persons. 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 6,700/-
Qualification: M.P.H.W (F) (Multi purpose Health  Worker (Female)  Preference will be given to experienced  persons. 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 8,000/-
Qualification: Passed DMLT (Diploma in Medical Lab  Technology)  Preference will be given to experienced  persons. 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 6.700/-
Qualification: X-Ray Technician certificate 

Consolidated remuneration per month: 6,700/-
Qualification: Passed Xth Class and Minimum 2 years  experience in Hospital.

1. Candidates are informed to appear for an Interview on 06.10.2013 at 9-00 a.m in SKU  Senate Hall
2. The candidates are required to bring their passport size photos (2), latest Bio-data,  Certified copies of their integrated Caste Certificate, Qualifications, Previous experience and  other certificates if any in duplicate along with Original certificates for verification. 
3. No TA and DA will be paid to the candidates. 
4. The University reserves right to fill or not to fill any of positions depending on interview  performance. 
5. In the event of any disturbed conditions interviews may be postponed and the information  about the revised schedule of dates of interviews will be placed in the Website. So the  candidates are requested to visit the website from time to time for the revised schedule if any.


Application For Non Teaching Staff

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