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SVPUAT invite for Studentship and Traineeship - 04 posts

Clinical research courses

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology established as a full-fledged University has unique honour of being called “ First Agriculture University of the third millennium and the 21 st century “. It is committed to a unique mandate of integrating education research and extension so as to serve the rural people.. The University was established on 2ndOctober 2000 under Uttar Pradesh Agriculture University Act (revised) 1958 gazette and notified vide 3204A/X12-8-2000. It was inaugurated on 28 th March 2002 by the Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. It is recognized and funded by U.P. Govt. & ICAR, Govt. of India. It is included in the list of recognized Universities maintained by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Govt. of India.

1. Studentship- 02
Eligibility – Final year students pursuing Post Graduate Degree in Bioinformatics or any branch of Life Sciences, Preference will be given for specialization and project work in the field of Biotechnology related fields.

2. Traineeship- 02
Eligibility – Applicants who have completed their postgraduate degree in Bioinformatics or any branch of Life Sciences with knowledge in bioinformatics. Preference will be given to the students having M.Phil or Ph.D degree or research experience in Bioinformatics field.

Stipend and Duration:
A monthly stipend of Rs. 5000/- (Consolidated) each shall be awarded to both the candidates of Studentship and Traineeship and duration of the training will be 06 months.

These fellowships are purely temporary and engagement thus made shall be temporary and can be terminated at any time without prior notice and without assigning any reason(s). Interested Candidates are required to appear for an interview on September 11, 2013 at 11.00 AM in the Office of the Dean, College of Biotechnology, SVP University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut. The candidates shall bring all the certificates in original along with a set of attested copies.

Conditions: The original documents and certificates may be produced at the time of Interview otherwise will not be allowed to attend the same. No TA & DA will be paid for attending the Interview. The university reserves the right to award or not to award the fellowships, depending on the qualifications/ credentials of the candidates applied etc.

Bioinformatics Centre, SVP Univ. of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut invites applications for walk-in-interview on dated September 11, 2013 at 11.00 AM for filling up the following Fellowship (purely Temporary), sponsored by the DBT, New Delhi, for advanced research & training in Bioinformatics in an on-going project entitled “Creation of Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility ____________ BTIS net”.


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