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Required for Junior Research Fellow in GBU | Walk in

Clinical research courses

Gautam Buddha University has initiated a new model of Enlightened Education to cater to the needs of the transnational and pluricultural world. The new world order, controlled by the pervading market forces, prompts us to keep guard with a greater responsibility towards establishing supremacy of knowledge over the market forces. In this context, the institution should promote freedom of thought, and foster a greater responsibility to harness all our knowledge and skills for the multidimensional growth of the society. The University has taken up this challenge to serve as a center for excellence in education and training so that the lower-end skilled workers, as we are, may turn in to high-end contributors in an overall growth of the society.

Post: Junior Research Fellow

The candidates are invited to appear for walk-in interview for one post of JRF in the DBT sponsored project under Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta (P. I.), School of vocational studies and Applied Sciences, Gautam Buddah University, Greater Noida, UP. The details of the post are as mentioned below;

Project Title: “Isolation and characterization of anti-tubercular principal from contaminating bacterial strain”

Essential Qualification: 1st Class M.Sc. degree in Chemistry/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Microbiology.

Fellowship: 16000/- + HRA (for NET/GATE/BET/BINC qualified candidates) otherwise it shall be 12000/- + HRA as per university rules.

The interview will be held on 17/09/2013 at 11 A.M. at Dean R & P Office, Administrative Block Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida. The candidates must bring their recent biodata and attested photocopies of all the certificates at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta
(Principal Investigator)
School of Vocational Studies and Applied Sciences
Gautam Buddha University
Greater Noida 201 308 UP, INDIA


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