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Opportunity for Research Associate in University of Delhi

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the temporary post of “Research Associate” in the CSIR sponsored project entitled “Synthesis and anti-cancer activity evaluation of C5- curcuminoids and C5-curcuminoid hybrids” [No. 02(0049)/12/EMR-II].

Post: Research Associate

Essential Qualification:
1. The candidate must have strong academic record with MSc or M. Pharm in Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Chemo-informatics, Pharmaco-informatics.
2. The applicant must have a PhD degree in Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Chemo-informatics, Pharmacoinformatics from a recognized University/Institute (candidates who have submitted their PhD thesis can also apply).
3. The candidate must have first hand experience in the area of molecular modeling, computer aided drug design (CADD) with special emphasis on structure based, ligand based, fragment based drug designing, basics of drug action, Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR), ADMET, MD simulation and drug metabolism in drug discovery and development.
4. Only those candidates, who have experience as mentioned under point no 3, should apply for the post.
5. The candidate must have published quality papers on the above areas.
6. The upper age limit for award of RA is 35 years.

Desirable Experience: Experience in organic synthesis and bioinformatics, chemo-informatics and their applications.

General Information:
The candidate will be paid Rs 22000/- per month (or as per CSIR rules) consolidated and will have to work as a full time in the project. The post is purely temporary and will continue only up to the presently sanctioned duration.
The short listed candidates will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid. Interested applicants should send a detailed CV, including a list of publications and reprint of papers and contact information for references to the undersigned by September 18, 2013. Please note that application on private printed forms will be rejected.

Professor Diwan S. Rawat
Principal Investigator (CSIR Project)
Department of Chemistry
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007


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