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Opening for Pharmacists in National Fertilizers Limited - 5 posts

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National Fertilizers Limited, a Mini Ratna Company, invites applications from Indian Nationals for the post of Pharmacist Gr. V in the Pay Scale of Rs. 9000-3%-16400 plus Industrial DA and other allowances as per rules of the Company as per following details:

Post: Pharmacist Gr. V


Location/ Unit Total
Unreserved SC

Recruitment specifications: "Candidate must possess 10+2 with Science Stream and approved Diploma in Pharmacy (only regular course) with minimum 50% marks (45% for SC/ST) from an institute recognized by Pharmacy Council of India/ AICTE, registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948. Having minimum one year experience in the line in a Hospital of repute after Diploma."

Age Limit: Minimum 18, Maximum 30 years as on 21.10.2013 (relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for Persons with Disability (PWD) and for Ex-Servicemen as per Govt. of India Directives).

In addition to Basic pay and Industrial DA, the posts carry the benefits of Employees Provident Fund, Gratuity, EPS, Contributory Superannaution Pension Scheme, Leave Encashment, Housing/HRA facilities, PRP Incentive, Medical facilities, Coverage under Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme, LTE, LTC and other Perks / Allowances etc. as per rules of the Company.

It may be noted that candidate can apply for one Unit only i.e. either for Bathinda or Panipat Unit. Therefore, candidate shall send his application only to the Unit of his choice. On receipt of application by the Unit, it shall be treated as application for the posts notified for that Unit only. Management may at its discretion conduct a common written test to short-list the eligible candidates at their respective locations, i.e. at Bathinda (Punjab) for Bathinda Unit and at Panipat (Haryana) for Panipat Unit posts on the same date. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the written test. The candidates short-listed on the basis of performance in the written test to be held at Bathinda/Panipat will be called for interview (at respective Unit where candidate applied) for which reimbursement of to and fro single 2nd Class Rail/Bus fare from the nearest railway station of the mailing address to the place of interview by the shortest route will be allowed on production of necessary proof. The selected candidates before joining will be required to get Medical Fitness Certificate from Civil Surgeon/NFL’s Hospital and their selection shall be subject to verification of character & antecedents and caste certificate from the concerned District Authorities. The selected candidates on joining can be posted in any Office/Unit/Division of NFL in India with initial posting at Bathinda / Panipat, as the case may be.

Degree of Disability for Reservation:
Only such persons would be eligible for reservation to the posts who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability for which a Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed Format should be attached. Hearing impairment means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. Locomotor disability means disability of bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy. Low vision means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or stand refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assistive device.

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For claiming relaxation under SC /OBC category, the candidate should submit a copy of the original Caste Certificate attested by Gazetted Officer, in the Proforma prescribed by Govt. of India. Further, for claiming the benefit of OBC, the Caste Certificate in the Prescribed Proforma to be submitted should specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Govt. of India, Deptt. of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated 09.08.1993.

As regards reservation for Persons with Disability and Ex-serviceman/Dependent of those killed/Disabled in action, the vacancies are to be filled by way of horizontal inter-locking Reservation System.

Candidates fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria should send their typed applications on plain paper (A-4 size) in Hindi or English language duly signed with date alongwith attested copies of certificates & testimonials and a recent passport-size photograph (to be affixed in the right corner of the application) stating following particulars: (i) Post applied for (ii) Name (in block letters) (iii) Father’s Name & Mother’s name (iv) Date of Birth & Age (v) Sex (vi) Marital status (vii) Present postal address (viii) Permanent Address (ix) Detailed Qualifications indicating Examination passed, University/Board, Max. marks, Marks secured, %age of Marks, subjects taken (x) Experience details (please attach a copy of experience certificate) mentioning Name of Employer / Organisation, Post held, Duration-from-to, Nature of jobs performed, Salary/Allowances, Reason for leaving (xi) Details of Regn. No., validity date & issuing authority (pl. attach a copy of certificate) (xii) Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PH (type of PH & %age of disability) /ESM (if yes, give details and attach attested copy of certificate) should reach on or before 21.10.2013 to Dy. General Manager (HR), National Fertilizers Limited, Bathinda-151003 (Punjab) for Bathinda Unit or to Dy. General Manager (HR), National Fertilizers Limited, Panipat-132106 (Haryana) for Panipat Unit. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained. The envelope containing application should be superscribed with “POST APPLIED FOR PHARMACIST GR. V". The incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.

Candidates working in Govt. Depts. / Public Sector Undertakings are required to apply through proper channel.

The Management reserves the right to call for interview only those candidates who in its opinion are likely to be suitable and will not entertain any correspondence from candidates in respect of their applications. In case, no intimation is received by the Candidate within a period of 90 days from the date of issue of advertisement, it should be presumed that his/her application has not been considered.

Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible for any of the above posts.

While applying, the applicant must ensure that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respect. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment process or even after appointment that he or she has furnished incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact, his / her candidature will stand cancelled and appointment will liable to be terminated forthwith.

Employment Notification No. 01/2013/BTI-PPT/

( A Govt of India Undertaking )

PUNJAB –151 003


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